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她自称是女权运动者。She is professedly a feminist.

谁是女权主义的领导人?Who was the leader of feminism?

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她是一个典型的女权主义者。She is a card-carrying feminist.

女权主义不仅仅是关于女性。Feminism is not just about women.

她参加了争取女权的运动。She crusaded for women 's rights.

我在读关于女权主义的书。I'm reading a book about feminism.

她会叫自己女权主义者吗?Would she call herself a feminist?

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女权之邦的一些男人也会反抗。Some men in the Gynocracy do rebel.

甚至连赞成选择的自由女权主义者都不会同意流产的。Not even pro-choice liberal feminists.

她将作为第一名女权扩张论者而流传下去。She will go down as the first feminist.

盖拉认为自己是女权主义者吗?。Does Gellar consider herself a feminist?

那种给女权运动招来讥嘲的人。The sort who drew sneers about feminism.

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这张图画的是一个妇女组织在争取女权And here's a woman's club making demands.

他还是女权主义者格洛丽亚·斯坦尼恩的朋友。He is friends with feminist Gloria Steinem.

在中国,女权主义确实被误解了。In China, feminism is really misunderstood.

但是谁在乎女权主义说了什么?But who cares what the feminists say anyhow?

在女权主义,他找到了一位“亚马孙”自供状。In feminism he found an "amazonian" element.

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科尔曼支持伊斯兰女权运动。Ms Coleman makes the case for Islamic feminism.

她毕生致力于女权运动。She spent her lief campaigning for women's rights.

而反观科技公司中的女性,她们却都是后女权主义者。The women at the tech company were post-feminists.