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他迷迷糊糊地改变了注意。He changed his mind mistily.

那个家伙成天迷迷糊糊的。The guy is always a little trippy.

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一杯威士忌很快就会把他醉得迷迷糊糊。A glass of whisky soon muddles him.

常常找一两个朋友把自己喝的迷迷糊糊。Often find a friend or two to drink in a daze.

他迷迷糊糊的望着前面,对一切都视而不见。He looked vaguely before him with unseeing eyes.

“我有个好主意,”穆拉迷迷糊糊的回答。I have a better idea, " the Mulla replied sleepily."

过去的梦游似的迷迷糊糊和优柔寡断早已不在。He had lost all that dreamy vagueness and indecision.

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即使这时,我也会迷迷糊糊地像在做梦一样继续坚持工作。Even then, I proceed halfheartedly, in a kind of dream.

或者,迷迷糊糊到了现在的地方?Or that you don’t know how you got where you are today?

正有点迷迷糊糊的,他感到马的鼻子拱到了他的脸上,他赶快一跃而起。Half sleep, he felt the horses nose push against his face.

对不起,我有点迷迷糊糊,昨晚一夜赶工没有睡。Sorry I'm so out of it, had to pull an all-nighter last night!

刚才我正在重温昨晚的梦境,肯定显得迷迷糊糊的。I had been reliving my dream from last night and must have spaced out.

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孩子看上去有点迷迷糊糊的。“她闹了一天,”他母亲抱怨说The baby looked dopey. “ She fussed all day , “ his mother complained.

妻在屋里拍着闰儿,迷迷糊糊地哼着眠歌。Wife is flapping Run in the house and harrumphing the sleep song mistily.

但他叔叔此时睡得迷迷糊糊的根本反应不过来,开了门以后就回到床上钻进被子�去了。But his uncle was too groggy to respond, and he slid back under the covers.

萨拉总是迷迷糊糊的,现在世界发生什么事完全不知道。Sara’s always out of it, she has no idea of what goes on in the world today.

如果您使用了镇静剂,那么在手术的过程当中,您虽然神智是清醒的,但始终会觉得有点迷迷糊糊的。If you're given a sedative, you may remain awake, but groggy, during surgery.

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迷迷糊糊中,易安又花了些时间记起自己身处何地、现在又是什么日子。Was in trance, Ian also took some time to remember where he was and when it was.

我感到自己就像平时作梦那样迷迷糊糊地闯进了恶梦境地。I left as if I had stumbled into a nightmare country, as you sometimes do in dreams.

隐隐约约感觉有人在轻轻的摇自己,云裳迷迷糊糊睁开了眼。Feeling faint in gently shake oneself, someone in a daze opened his eyes and the cloud.