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一个戴面具的人杀气腾腾地闯进了市政广场。A masked man ran amok in the town square.

纳粹不仅仅是杀气腾腾的国家主义。Nazism was not only nationalism run amok.

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还有少数几家公司页面看起来杀气腾腾。A few corporate pages have seemed combative.

我听见那些杀气腾腾的达特默思球迷大声叫好。I could hear the bloodthirsty Dartmouth fans shouting.

如果一只英国球队有攻击的质量,他们将会变得非常杀气腾腾。If a team in England has quality in attack, they can be very a combative team.

如果他们像他们的是上校和他的杀手们一样继续表现为杀气腾腾的又该怎么办?What if they go on to behave as murderously as the colonel and his paid killers?

他一辈子从来没有听见过饥饿发狂的野兽发出如此恐怖、如此残忍的杀气腾腾的喧嚣声。Such a horrid, bloodthirsty din of hungry and angry brutes he had never heard in his life.

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当涉及外族,他们毫不留情地发起攻击,充满恶意,杀气腾腾。When it comes to other races though they hold nothing back, attacking them mercilessly, maliciously and murderously.

当她回头对她的一个哥哥微笑时,迈克尔就莫名其妙地朝那个年轻人杀气腾腾地瞪了一眼。When she turned to smile at one of her brothers Michael gave that young man a murderous look without even realizing it.

“无论有病还是无病,他可不要碰见我——我会杀死他的!”杰尼索夫杀气腾腾地吼道。"Whether it's illness or whether it's not, he'd better not cross my path—I'd kill him, " Denisov shouted bloodthirstily.

就在今天晚上,一百个杀气腾腾的獾,提着来复枪,要从马场那边进攻蟾宫。A hundred bloodthirsty badgers , armed with rifles, are going to attack Toad Hall this very night, by way of the paddock.

它犹如一头庞大的、狡诈的、杀气腾腾的猛兽,极有耐心地缓缓进逼过来,张开血盆大口,要把我们吞下去,难以幸免。It came toward us slowly and patiently, like some enormous, cunning, and murderous beast, ready to devour, impossible to escape.

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但研究人员惊奇地发现,小于3米长的鲨鱼仅是外表看起来杀气腾腾。But the researchers were surprised to find that a shark less than three meters long only looks like it could manage that killer bite.

侯在唐家外面的廖斌发现接收器中出现找到圣首的信号,惊喜交加带领数名手下杀气腾腾闯入唐家。Hou Liao Bin found in the receiver to the outside of the tang find the first signal, pleasantly surprised to lead several murderously into tang.

他一口气喝光了,眼睛里顿时杀气腾腾,呵呵直笑,把酒瓶往上一扔,那个手势,我可不明白是什么意思。He emptied it at a breath. His eyes flashed with a fierce light. He laughed and threw the bottle upwards with a gesticulation I did not understand.

其结果是杀气腾腾滑稽讽刺冯内古特看战争,性别,种族主义,成功,政治,美国的污染,并提醒我们如何看到真相。The result is murderously funny satire as Vonnegut looks at war, sex, racism, success, politics, and pollution in America and reminds us how to see the truth.

迫于愤怒和杀气腾腾的群众的压力,出于恐慌和无奈,彼拉多释放了另一个名叫巴拉巴的囚犯,又把耶稣交给群众,任由他们残酷鞭打和钉十字架。Motivated by fear and frustration and pressured by the murderous, angry crowd, Pilate freed another prisoner, Barabbas , and handed Jesus over to be brutally flogged and crucified.