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盛田昭夫认为这是种族主义偏见在作怪。He was suggesting the reason was racism.

另外还有一些无形的因素在作怪。And there are other, less tangible factors.

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说到底,这也是大男人主义在作怪了。After all, this is male chauvinism at play in.

但是还有政治风险在作怪。But there is also the spectre of political risk.

组织已给不良分子作怪了。The organization has been destroyed by undesirable elements.

这其实是瑚太朗的小小冒险心在作怪。This is actually a little adventure coral Taro heart trouble.

宝爷爷就做鬼作怪,问她看到了没有?Treasure grandpa will be counted a ghost, ask her to see yet?

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不管那是对或错,都是认知失调在作怪。Whether that’s true or not, that’s cognitive dissonance in action.

难怪他们作怪不断,隔开了长辈。Is it any wonder they embrace a weirdness that baffles their elders?

上述估测之所以天差地别就是因为所谓的“隐性债务”在作怪。The wide discrepancy in estimates is due to the so-called hidden debts.

就马哈蒂尔·宾·穆罕默德事件来说,这是一种穆斯林团结的扭曲情结在作怪。In the case of Mahathir, a twisted kind of Muslim solidarity is probably at work.

勉为其难正是我的问题所在,这还是我“人定胜天”的思想在作怪。Trying too hard was precisely my problem. It was the mind over matter issue again.

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如果你在洛杉矶邀请别人出去散步,那么他们会把你看作怪人。And if you ask someone to take a walk in Los Angeles, they'll think you're a weirdo.

还有其他一些更不明显的症候,可能是心血管病在作怪。But there are other less obvious signs that you could be experiencing a heart attack.

如果你企图向谁说谎,请仔细反省,是否有嫉妒在作怪。If you’re tempted to lie to someone, consider whether irrational envy could be to blame.

或许是开胃菜在作怪,也有可能是你太紧张了,你的胃如翻江倒海般地不舒服。Maybe it's the appetizers or nerves, but the butterflies in your stomach come flying out.

我知道我在竞选总统时必须稍微疯狂一点,但我不喜欢把这看成是基因在作怪。I knew I had to be a little crazy to run for President, but I hated to think it was genetic.

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显然,肯定是我们潜意识中的某样东西在作怪,但它是什么?Clearly,something must be happening on a level beyond our conscious awareness, but what is it?

不要心存侥幸,避免贪婪的心作怪,这会令你思考发生短路。Don n't take any chances, to avoid the greedy heart strings, this will make you think short-circuit.

不过,由于脂溢性脱发作怪,他寻找女朋友的过程并不顺利。However, due to seborrheic alopecia mischief, he was not a smooth process of looking for a girlfriend.