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我有一个悠悠球。I have a yo-yo.

有多少个悠悠球?How many yo-yos?

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他不会玩悠悠球。He can't play with yo-yo.

澳大利亚的古老如悠悠岁月。Australia is as old as time.

悠悠文心,殷殷诗胆。The heart of poetry lingers.

使九天谛听这乐声悠悠。That makes the heavens be mute.

悠悠最近越来越喜欢伸舌头!YY loves to play with her tongue!

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此酒悠悠散发着梅子香气。This dissemination of plum wine aroma.

天空湛蓝,白云悠悠。A clear blue sky, white clouds leisurely.

她穿着旱冰鞋晃晃悠悠地滑了过去。She roller skated across rather unsteadily.

风悠悠,云悠悠。Wind blowing softly, clouds drifting slowly.

悠悠精灵舞,一枕落花香。Leisurely elfin dance, a pillow fall flowers.

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仰望蓝天,白云悠悠。Look at the blue sky, white clouds leisurely.

杂技演员头上晃晃悠悠地顶着一叠磁碟。Dishes are stacked unstably on acrobat's head.

日光淡淡,白云悠悠。The gentle sunlight, the unhurried white clouds.

镇上古宅庭院深深,小桥流水悠悠。Ancient town house yard deep, small bridges yoyo.

中国观众专注而紧张,没有哪一位是悠悠闲闲看比赛的。The Chinese were focussed, and they were intense.

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你弄坏了休曾经用过的黄色悠悠。You broke the yellow yoyo young Hugh used to use.

在静谧的一刻中,悠悠述说那个童话故事Tell them in a quiet moment how the fairy tale was

韶华不为少年留。恨悠悠,几时休。Young left for juvenile. Hate leisurely, when sue.