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他要去参加一个法语速成班。He will get a crash course in French.

我上了一个15周的打字速成班。I did a 15-week crash course in typing.

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但是我正在上数学速成班。But I’m taking this crash course in math.

在色彩理论上个速成班对你大有裨益。A crash course in color theory will go a long way.

度假前我参加了一个滑雪速成班。I took a crash course in skiing before going on vacation.

我知道。我也不想呀。可是我上了数学的速成班。I know! I hate it! But I'm taking this crash course in math.

正如我所说的,“中国应该上一个关于矫正的速成班。”As I put it, “China could be on a crash course with a correction.”

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在巴西的新工作开始之前,我参加了一门葡萄牙语速成班。I took a crash course in Portuguese before my new job starts in Brazil.

我想参加一个速成班来提高我的电脑水平。I want to attend a speed-up course class to improve my computer skills.

人们占领人民公园,中断低预算的电影和也迫使公民速成班停课。Its part Peoples Park, part low-budget film set and part civics crash course.

她拿到了一份在巴黎的新工作,于是她上了一个为期一个月的速成班功法语。Before taking up her job in Paris, she took a one-month crash course in French.

他在两年后念完了速成班,22岁从医学院毕业。He finished in two years and by the time he was 22 had completed medical school.

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课程的种类也多种多样,从全日制大学学位课程到3小时速成班任你挑选。Options range from full degree college programs to three-hour screenwriting intensives.

由于他已经获得一个学士学位,所以申请纽约大学护理学院的15月速成班课程。Since he already had a bachelor's, he qualified for NYU's accelerated 15-month program.

我可能会开一个微积分速成班,专为没学过微积分的人准备We'll probably try and line up a quick calculus lesson, a special section for those people.

还有人报了培训学校的速成班,但徐茹说她并没有好好准备考试。While some prepare by taking crash courses offered by cram schools, Xu said she had not studied for the exam.

速成班结业后,伦敦还将开设一系列为期一周的"王妃夏令营",招生对象为8-11岁的女孩,学费高达4000多美元。The one-day course will be followed by a series of weeklong summer camps in London for 8- to 11-year-old girls.

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一群历史学家为我们开设了一个速成班,讲述了我们是如何陷入国家违约风险的当前僵局中的。Some historians give us a crash course in how we got to the current standoff over the nation's possible default.

对于我,独自旅行是学习怎样做决定的速成班——就是不停地滚动骰子看看有什么出现。For me, traveling alone was one crash course in making decisions–just keep on rolling the dice and see what comes up.

正在参加政治外交速成班的帕林,这周将在纽约的联合国大会会见外国领导。Palin, on a crash course in foreign policy, is to meet foreign leaders in New York at the UN general assembly this week.