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深圳火车站能退异地车票吗?Shenzhen Railway Station to back off-site ticket?

我就一个儿子是研究生,在异地工作。My son is a graduate student in the off-site work.

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她在异地不管做什么都要爱她。Always love her in whatever she does in that place.

我在和丈夫分处异地工作时发现了这种情况。I saw this when my husband and I had jobs in different cities.

此结论在1994~1995年的异地测报应用中得到验证。This conclusion has been proved by the prediction in 1994-1995.

多型种一群相关的异地种或亚种。Formenkreis A group of related allopatric species or subspecies.

你一定不想永远这样等待下去,那么为你们的异地情缘设定限制吧。You do not want to end up waiting forever, so set a limit to your LDR.

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现在有研究表明,来自异地的物种对大城市除尘有很大作用。Now research shows that immigrants do much of the dusting in big cities.

永鲜物流公司还可以提供可靠的异地转关服务。E&B fleet also can provide reliable cross-zone customs clearance service.

比安说,“你的生活必须考虑到你们的异地关系”。"You really have to schedule your relationship into your life," she says.

我希望住在异地的人会得到这纸船,知道我是谁。I hope that someone in some strange land will find them and know who I am.

他们在异地他乡找不到工作,大多数人陷入了进退两难的困境。There were no jobs and most of them were stranded in an alien environment.

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截止2011年4月末,哈尔滨公司已全部异地搬迁到新厂区。At the end of April 2011, Harbin plant has already accomplished relocation.

穿越遥远的距离,不再天隔异地,你的来临告诉我,我心依旧。Far across the distance and, spaces between us, You have come to show you go on.

探讨棉纺织业异地协同的设计。Collaborative design in difference area of cotton textile industry was discussed.

您有自动异地同步备份和恢复网站的机制吗?Do you have the mechanisms of automatic corporative backup and restoring website?

异地恋情侣可能会过多担忧第三者,但实际上他们很少欺骗对方。LDR couples might worry more about infidelity, but they don't actually cheat more.

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这假如被来的异地搭客看见了,他们对深圳的印象会如何样的啊!This is the place to see if the passengers, they think of Shenzhen will be how ah!

离乡背井到异地求学或工作,租房子是常有的经验。It is usually seen that people rent a house when studying or working away from home.

如果你能够安然接受旅行出差以及异地派遣的安排,就表明你愿意这样做。If you are comfortable with traveling and relocation, show your willingness to do so.