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参看“时代本周图说”See TIME's pictures of the week.

图说,网站现在已经恢复正常了。Tew said the site now works normally.

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拉发图说,他有一个计划,嗯,算是一个梦想。Lephoto says he has a plan—well, a dream.

“你感觉自己彻头彻尾地被公司背叛了,”本图说。“You feel totally betrayed, ” Bentu says.

“他很尊重我,”拉发图说。"He treats me with respect, " Lephoto says.

此图说明了一个典型的SONET网络。This diagram illustrates a typical SONET network.

他能准确抓住机会。”昂林图说。He seized the opportunity, " Aung Lynn Htut said."

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上图说描绘的数据来自最新的一组调查。The data depicted above come from the most recent of the surveys.

“他们情形很糟,”拉卓亚警方发言人卓伊。坎图说。"They were in bad shape, " La Joya Police spokesman Joe Cantu said.

“毫无疑问,”厄舍图说道,“在这些孩子中肯定会诞生一位世界冠军。”"I have no doubt, " says Eshetu, "that one of these kids will be world champion.

必图说。“根据我们得到情报,他们将推出从克钦邦到德林德伊省发动主要军事攻势。”We got information that they will launch major attacks from Kachin State to Tenasserim Division.

图说内容以元亨寺原来图说为本,稍加修改,并加以注解,特此说明。All captions for the sculptures are the original explanations. Minor footnotes were added for clarification purpose.

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皮拉斯图说,基于现有的研究基础上,这些新发现表明我们对于浓咖啡的爱好是藏在我们的基因中的。The findings add to existing research suggesting that our espresso habits may be embedded in our genes, Pirastu said.

大卫·李嘉图说每个国家都拥有生产这两个产品中其中一个的比较优势。David Ricardo said that each country would then possess comparative advantage in the production of one of the two products.

本人今年三次亲自会见了掸邦军领导者,我们已与克伦民族联盟开会交流。”必图说。I personally met leaders of the SSA three times this year and we have an exchange committee with the KNU, " Bee Htoo said."

来自英国南部威尔特郡的图说,他向美国联邦调查局报了案,因为他网站的主机设在美国。Tew, from Wiltshire, a county in southern England, said he informed the FBI because his site is hosted in the United States.

来自英国南部威尔特郡的图说,他向美国联邦调查局报了案,他网站的主机设在美国。Tew, from Wiltshire , a county in southern England, said he informed the FBI because his site is hosted in the United States.

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小埃斯皮瑞图说,乐队音乐视频的成功也证实了他的想法和演奏者的实力,也是一个新时代的征兆。Ben says the success of the band's music video is a credit to the talent and ability of the musicians, but it's also a sign of the times.

“图说天下”、“收藏入门百科”、“日知生活”等产品受到广大读者的喜爱,正是我们坚持这一方向的结果。Series like See the World through Pictures, Encyclopedia for Art Collection Beginners and RZ Life are also very popular titles among readers.

21岁的亚历克斯·图说他公布了自己如何通过网站筹集大学学费的故事,随后他的百万美元网站主页就受到了攻击。Alex Tew, 21, said that his Million Dollar Homepage was targeted after he publicized how it had helped him raise money for his university studies.