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许多人都义愤填膺,溢于言表。Many were audibly outraged.

他们义愤填膺。They flamed with indignation.

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我相信我是有点义愤填膺了。I am utterly outraged and in disbelief.

他们都义愤填膺。They were filled with righteous indignation.

有人义愤填膺的说。Somebody be filled with righteous indignation.

我不太愿意摆出一副义愤填膺的架势来。I am a little shy of any assumption of moral indignation.

奥巴马对此嗤之以鼻,他本应该义愤填膺。Mr. Obama was dismissive when he should have been outraged.

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对于他们枪杀无辜平民,人们感到义愤填膺。People are indignant by their shooting of innocent civilians.

许多民间机构的分析师也认同这些义愤填膺的央行官员的看法.Many private economists agree with the indignant central bankers.

我经常感到义愤填膺,我真不知道如何表达。My heart often burned with indignation I knew not how to express.

反驳她,她说起话来就会义愤填膺。She waxes righteously indignant if anyone tries to contradict her.

俄罗斯总统德米特里·梅德韦杰夫说他对这起谋杀感到义愤填膺。The Rusian president Dmitry Medvedev said he was outraged for the murder.

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这样一种说法会让一些经理感到义愤填膺。A phrase such as that will get some managers spluttering with indignation.

然而,在自尊与“高姿态的微笑”双重交错的同时,义愤填膺的火焰也在熊熊燃烧。Yet, alongside the dignity and the ready smiles, a sense of outrage burned.

迪克森对于美国政府以及金融市场义愤填膺且毫不信任。Dr. Dixon feels anger and distrust toward the government and the markets alike.

然而,也有特耶叙述的“义愤填膺”的例子。Nevertheless, there were instances of what Troyer describes as "moral outrage".

一点儿都不奇怪,美国就是一边是义愤填膺、一边是歌舞升平。Not surprisingly, America’s left is fuming with indignation. The right is crowing.

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我们看阿凡达,从电影院出来,对虚构的采矿公司义愤填膺。We watch Avatar and emerge from the cinema raging against the fictional mining company.

你怎么看?华尔街人士和富人们是否有理由对他们的遭遇义愤填膺呢?What do you think? Are Wall Streeters and the wealthy right to be outraged at the rage ?

我知道,与压制性政权接触没有义愤填膺来得畅快。I know that engagement with repressive regimes lacks the satisfying purity of indignation.