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你也许会因它们而惊讶,不管是你知道还是不知道的性行话。You might be surprised by what sexual lingo you do and don’t know.

这也是美国宇航局空基望远镜开普勒所发现的第一颗石性行星,也称类地行星。It is also the first rocky, or Eah-like planet discovered by Kepler.

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这也是美国宇航局空基望远镜开普勒所发现的第一颗石性行星,也称类地行星.It is also the first rocky, or Earth-like planet discovered by Kepler.

比较后腹腔镜和开放性行肾上腺切除术治疗嗜铬细胞瘤的临床疗效。We compared the clinical outcomes of retroperitoneoscopic and open adrenalectomy for pheochromocytoma.

去年航空业发生的一些动荡导致短期战术性行销一度狂热,高于长期品牌塑造的策划。Turbulence in the airline industry last year led to a sharp rise in short-term tactical marketing over long-term brand building.

造作的文书中的“爱”难道不仅仅是性行的委婉说法吗?抑或那些“大师”本就是阉党?Is not the "love" of the fawning scriptures simply a euphemism for sexual activity, or was the "great teacher" a glorifier of eunuchs?

摩根士丹利华鑫基金表示,公司2009年将重点关注新材料、新能源设备等诸多成长性行业。Morgan Stanley Huaxin Fund, said the company in 2009 will focus on new materials, new energy equipment and many other growth industries.

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文中详细讨论了新滤波器的实用性,并通过在服装逢缝处皱褶信号获取的信号处理上的应用,证实了它的可性行。Practicality of the new filter discussed in detail. The advantage of the new method is demonstrated by an example of obtaining the pucker signal of garment seams.

近些年来,日益突出的主张男女平等的性药店和性工作者维权活动迎来了春天,这让全国各地的女性开始用一种全新的方式去思考性行业。Recent years ushered in the prominence of feminist sex shops and sex worker rights activism, causing women across the country to think about the sex industry in new ways.

张峰说,2005年开始实施的允许在校学生结婚的规定也促进了大学生对性行采取开放态度。A regulation allowing marriage between college students, which was implemented in 2005, also partly contributed to the open attitude toward sex among students, said Zhang.