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这些学问对我而言不名一文。Such studies are to me unworthy ones.

看来体弱多病已经把萨拉弄得不名一文。Ill health seems to have cleared Sarah out.

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下文这位不名一文的强人教你如何免费开派对。The Moneyless Man knows how to party for free

为什么帮你管理所有投资的人叫做“不名一文的人”?Why is the man who invests all your a broker?

当然了,最后他不名一文。And, of course, he ended up without any money.

他是百万富翁而他父亲却不名一文。He is a millionaire and his father without a cent.

当女生们的“财富”已经涨到500美元时,我们男生还是“不名一文”。It was about 500 dollars for the girls to 0 for us.

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广州市第八人民医院内,于得明身上不名一文。The Eighth People's Hospital of Guangzhou, the penniless in a prescribed body.

增长速度有助于决定繁荣度是否充分,抑或不名一文。And the pace of growth helps determine whether prosperity feels abundant, or elusive.

如果他追随自己的兴趣,他就要失去继承权而不名一文。If he pursued his own interest, he would be disowned by his father and become penniless.

如果你对风险没有足够的防范意识,你最后可能会跌得粉身碎骨,变得不名一文。If you aren't risk-averse enough, you could end up blowing yourself up and losing all your money.

商人死后,把钱留给了他儿子,但是他很快就挥霍一空,变得不名一文。The rich merchant died and left his money to his son, but he wasted it and soon, he had nothing left in his pocket.

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当房地产崩溃的时候,抵押贷款和金融衍生品不名一文,也不再有人会借钱给华尔街了。When housing turned down, the mortgages and derivatives were worth a lot less and no one would lend Wall Street money anymore.

她的沮丧又令任何事情的完成变得越发困难,这样的一个恶性循环令她感到被彻底打败和不名一文。Her depression makes it even more difficult to accomplish anything, so a vicious downward cycle has left her feeling completely overwhelmed and worthless.

嘿,我们这些大学生常常是不名一文的,因此只要有这种能节省我们几元钱的买卖和折扣,我们都乐意接受它。Hey, we're all college students and we're usually broke16, so anytime we can find a deal or discount that will save us a few bucks17, we will gladly take it.

如果您是一个诚实的人,那么您就会被一些更加诚实的年轻人搞得不名一文,这些年轻人没有别的错误,只不过是少了二十万利弗尔的年金收入。And if you are a gentleman, you may find you have been ruined by very gentlemanly young men whose only fault was that they did not have two hundred thousand francs a year.