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欧元仍可能停留在疲弱状态。The euro will probably remain weak.


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对商业贷款的需求依然疲弱。Demand for business loans remains weak.

法国经济增长疲弱,接近零增长。France's growth is weak to nonexistent.

这会损害早已疲弱的欧洲经济。That would hurt an already weak European economy.

影响就业岗位创造的不仅仅是疲弱的经济增长。It isn't just weak growth that's damping job creation.

尽管数据疲弱,美股收高.美国公债也上涨.On Wall Street, stocks closed higher despite the weak data.

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高盛的考斯汀将总体表现称之为“疲弱”。Goldman's Mr. Kostin called that overall performance 'weak.'

经济恢复依旧疲弱,1270万美国人失业。The recovery is still weak and 12.7m Americans are unemployed.

近期走势疲弱,基本空单可续持有。Weak trend in the near future, the basic blank single continued to hold.

然而连串疲弱的经济数据已经让这样的观点转向.A weak run of economic data, however, has turned that notion on its head.

乐观的一面是,很多经济学家看到疲弱的劳动力市场中存在着某些亮点。On the plus side, some economists see glimmers in the ailing labor market.

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而批评人士称工作权利法使工会更疲弱,而且工资更低。Critics say the Right-to-Work laws make unions weaker and keep wages lower.

民主党在华盛顿愿意削减克里茨先生,他希望所有的疲弱。Democrats in Washington are willing to cut Mr. Critz all the slack he wants.

分析师们指出,从较长线的眼光来看,美元并没有那麽疲弱.The dollar is not so very weak from a longer-term perspective, analysts note.

由于疲弱的经济对公司研究预算造成负面影响,实现这个目标将会是一项挑战。That will be a challenge as the weak economy crimps corporate research budgets.

即便是在市况疲弱的年份里,PC单位出货量一般仍有个位数百分比的成长.Even in weak years, PC unit shipments typically rise by single-digit percentages.

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美国就业市场疲弱是支持经济低增长及低通胀率情况展望的佐证.A weak U.S. labor market is Exhibit A in making the low-growth, low-inflation case.

美元的疲弱无疑刺激了更具传统特性的黄金需求。For sure, the U.S. dollar's weakness has encouraged more-traditional demand for gold.

但全英房屋抵押贷款协会认为,疲弱的需求将意味着未来六个月房价会下跌。But Nationwide believes weak demand will mean this will drop over the next six months.