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我为了找你可是受尽了苦头啊!For I have suffered much to find thee.

他全家为他吃了很多苦头。His family suffered a lot on his account.

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我吃尽苦头,仍与你远离。How far I toil, still further off from thee.

托尼说,“看来你和我吃过同样的苦头。”Looks like you and I ate some of the same dirt.

约翰寻衅和杰克打架,结果大吃苦头。John picked a fight with Jack and came off worst.

罗德里克最近也吃了老妈的苦头。Rodrick's in some hot water with Mom right now, too.

我要显示出人类的尊严,他们就会叫我吃苦头。I'll represent human dignity, and they'll give me hell.

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“他命该尝受被公众憎恨的苦头”。It was his lot to taste the bitterness of popular odium"."

不遵守交通规则者必将要吃苦头。Someone who doesn't observe traffic regulations will sweat.

我们吃过这个苦头,我们的老祖宗也吃过这个苦头。We sufferedfrom this, and our forefathers suffered form this.

我觉得范加尔承受的压力让我吃了苦头。I think I suffered from the pressure Louis van Gaal was under.

“卡尔,”她告诉他,“不吃够苦头是成不了艺术家的。”“Carl, ” she told him, “you can’t have art without suffering.”

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警察吃了不少苦头,但他们也乐坏了。The police had a difficult time, but they were also most amused.

我们的工业因研究投入不足而大吃苦头。Our industry suffers through insufficient investment in research.

我想象是少见的苦头吧,——消瘦、苍白、可怜的流浪者!Strange hardships, I imagine -- poor, emaciated, pallid wanderer?

“我想他准会吃尽苦头,”后者平静地轻声回答。"I have my mind he'll get his fill, " returned the latter, quietly.

我担心在我们和曼德的合作中,乔治·科尔会大吃苦头。I'm afraid George Cole came off worst from our partnership in Minder.

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它当然也是最成功的国家,尽管最近吃了些苦头。It certainly remains the most successful, despite its recent travails.

母亲双亡后,他吃尽苦头,做尽坏事才混到今天这个地位。The mother died after he suffered, do bad things to mix to this position.

旧金山的软件工程师维卡斯因此吃了苦头。Mr. Marwaha, the San Francisco software engineer, learned that the hard way.