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这是迄今第一个由籼稻原生质体再生植株的报道。This is the first report of plant regeneration from the protoplast culture of an indica rice.

相对距离测定表明其性状总体处在野生稻和籼稻的过渡阶段。Distance coefficient showed that the rice was in the transition stage from wild to indica rice.

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以垩白不同的籼稻品种为材料,进行了田间试验和盆钵试验。Field and pot experiments were conducted by using indica rice varieties with different chalkiness.

关于水稻品质性状的研究在我国对籼稻研究比较深入,对粳稻研究报道较少。There are many reports on the research of quality traits in Indica rice but relatively few in Japonica rice.

研究人员发现,籼稻和粳稻彼此的相同点多于它们各自与野生水稻的相似处。The researchers found indica and japonica have more in common with each other than either has with wild rice.

吴建国、陈双燕、石春海和樊龙江,籼稻基因转化中的组织培养系统研究。Wu J. G. , S. Y. Chen, C. H. Shi and L. J. Fan, Study on culture system in gene transformation of indica rice.

1980年代,每年有500多万公顷的耕地种植水稻所的“汕优63号"杂交籼稻。In the 1980's, over 5 million ha of land were planted annually with IRRI's "Shanyou 63", an indica hybrid rice.

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研究表明粳稻和籼稻大约在3900年前才由同一种水稻分化成两种不同的亚种。The study indicates that the japonica and indica sub-species split apart from each other about 3, 900 years ago.

金优117是一个产量高、米质优、适应性强的迟熟杂交籼稻新组合。Jin you 117 is a new grouping in late indica type rice, which is high yield, good quality and strong suitability.

这一同源模型说明籼稻和粳稻是由同一种普通野生稻驯化而来的。The single-origin model suggests that indica and japonica were both domesticated from the wild rice O. rufipogon.

但是作为主要栽培品种,籼稻的组织培养和转基因仍然存在一定困难。However, the tissue culture in most of indica rice varieties is still difficult, and genotype is a major obstacle.

除生育前期外,籼稻根系吸收面积均大于粳稻根系吸收面积,籼粳稻比表面积比较接近。Except the early growing period, absorbing area of root of indica rice is always bigger than that of japonica rice.

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为明确籼稻直立穗突变体259-2的遗传特性,并最终实现该直立穗突变体基因的克隆。In order to know the genetic characteristics of erect panicle mutant 259-2 and clone the erect panicle mutant's gene.

石春海和朱军,籼稻稻米蒸煮品质的种子和母体遗传效应分析。Shi C. H. and J. Zhu, Analysis of seed and maternal genetic effects for characters of cooking quality in indica rice.

结果显示,參试品种穗颈节间大维管束數目,籼稻品种比稉稻品种多。The large vascular bundle number of panicle neck internode was higher in Indica cultivars than in Japonica cultivars.

利用EMS对籼稻品种93-11进行诱变处理,以构建基因突变群体。The rice variety 93-11 was treated with a chemical mutagenesis agent EMS for the development of gene mutants population.

重新评价了来自中国不同省份的42份粳稻和43份籼稻对白背飞虱的抗性。In addition, 42 japonica and 43 indica varieties from different provinces in China were re-evaluated for WBPH resistance.

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提出保鲜储藏的合理储藏期和保鲜优质籼稻品质判定标准。The reasonable period of storage and quality determination standard for preservation of high quality rice were recommended.

通过对不同水稻品种蛋白组分的分析,筛选到谷蛋白含量相对较高的籼稻和粳型材料。By this means, we identified some of indica and japonica rice containing higher glutelin content and lower prolamine content.

籼稻在亚洲和南美洲的热带地区的蓬勃发展,使1970年全球产量增加了百分之二十。Indica rice thrives in tropical regions of Asia and South America, raising worldwide production more than 20 percent by 1970.