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鸿沟的这场雪盲欺骗。Chasm of this snow-blind deceit.


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多少道鸿沟将他与六翼天使阻隔!What gulfs between him and the seraphim!

这三个群体间存在不可逾越的鸿沟。Unbridgeable gaps existed between these three groups.

听风,来自远方的,那吹过鸿沟的风。Listen as the wind blows from across the great divide.

第二点,这一新的体制制造了新的社会鸿沟。Second, this new system has created new social chasms.

为爱你的人掘起一条无法逾越的鸿沟。To dig an uncross able river for the one who loves you.

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为爱你的人,挖掘一条无法穿越的鸿沟。To dig an uncrossable river. For the one who loves you.

在跨越鸿沟之前,他们至少需要能够达到鸿沟。Before you cross the chasm you need to get to the chasm.

这只是横跨大西洋的诸多文化鸿沟之一。This is one of many cultural chasms across the Atlantic.

但是市场上有一些关于数字鸿沟在增长的警告。But some warn of a growing digital divide in the markets.

成为近人就是跨越人与人之间的鸿沟。To become neighbours is to bridge the gap between people.

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这只会在你与说话人之间设下一道鸿沟。This only sets up a barrier between yourself and the speaker.

然而,SUS的目标与现实之间横亘着一个鸿沟。But there is a gap between the aspirations of SUS and the reality.

目的探讨目前CBIR系统中广泛存在的“语义鸿沟”问题。Aim To discuss the "semantic gap" problem which exists in the CBIR.

油、气、水的鸿沟能够是骤变的,也能够是骤变的。Boundaries between oil, gas, and water may be sharp or transitional.

正是在这个时候,开始出现关于数据鸿沟的讨论。It is this time that the discourse about the digital divide emerges.

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他认为自己与父母之间有不可逾越的鸿沟。He believed there was an unbridgeable gulf between him and his parents.

其实,偶然与必然之间并没有不可逾越鸿沟!In fact, contingency and necessity no insurmountable gap between! ! ! ! !

在一项研究中,酵母缺少某些小分子RNA没有鸿沟正确。In one study, yeast missing certain small RNAs failed to divide properly.