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不要那么粗枝大叶。Don't be so careless.

他是个粗枝大叶的浪荡子。He is a careless profligate.

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这样粗枝大叶是行不通的。Such carelessness will never do.

我因为这样粗枝大叶而感到惭愧。I thought shame to be so careless.

我们不能容忍这种粗枝大叶的作风。We can'tdo with such carelessness.

他会责备你的粗枝大叶。He will blame you for carelessness.

我们不能容忍这种粗枝大叶的作风。We can't do with such carelessness.

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这工作做得粗枝大叶,重做!This is careless work. Do it again !

我无法忍受他这种粗枝大叶的作风。I can't do with him such carelessness.

你可以把他的错误归因于粗枝大叶。You can chalk up his mistake to carelessness.

他的粗枝大叶导致他犯了一个严重错误。His carelessness results in a serious blunder.

他的粗枝大叶导致了一场重大事故。His carelessness resulted in a serious accident.

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她抱怨说她丈夫粗枝大叶。She complained about her husband's carelessness.

说句公道话,她做工作从不粗枝大叶。To do her justice, she was never careless in her work.

粗枝大叶的工作计划会浪费教师宝贵的教学时间。Sloppy routines rob teachers of precious instruction time.

粗枝大叶是一种极坏的作风。To be crude and careless is an extremely bad style of work.

比尔常常由于做作业粗枝大叶而受到老师的申斥。Bill was often called down by his teacher for doing homework carelessly.

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虽然她的老师认为她是个粗枝大叶的人,但事实上她相当机灵。Though her teacher thought she was scatterbrained, she was actually quite astute.

我们一定要克服粗枝大叶,因为粗枝大叶常常引起无可挽回的错误。You are supposed to get rid of careless, for it often leads to irretrievable errors.

你们一定要克服粗枝大叶的毛病,因为它常常会引起无可挽回的错误。You are supposed to get rid of carelessness, for it often leads to irretrievable errors.