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不要为所有人面面俱到。Stop trying to be all things to all people.

关于种族平等,欧盟指令也无法面面俱到。There are no all-embracing EC directives on race equality.

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换言之,不要为所有人面面俱到。In other words, stop trying to be all things to all people.

如果你想面面俱到,该如何保持游戏的平衡性呢?How do you think about how to balance it internally if you're trying to get all that?

他的父母希望他对音乐感兴趣,对他的鼓励可以说是面面俱到。His parents wished him to be interested in music and provided him with every encouragement.

优秀的程序员动脑筋以防顾此失彼,而优秀的指南让我们不必面面俱到。Good programmers use their brains, but good guidelines save us having to think out every case.

它并未被设计成在移动设备上面面俱到,而是灵活和方便的。It is not designed to be exhaustive, but rather flexible and convenient on your mobile device.

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本文不可能是关于如何以一种低调的方式开发应用程序的一个面面俱到的参考资料。It is by no means an exhaustive resource on how to develop applications in an unobtrusive manner.

在此笔者不想面面俱到地探讨男性、女性之间的种种生理差异,因为这些差异大多都是显而易见的。I’m not going to go into all the physiological differences between men and women because many of them are obvious.

老实讲,我不认为他会愿意,但如果我不打这个电话我就做不到面面俱到。I didn't think he would do it, to be honest, but I would not have been covering the bases if I hadn't made the call.

如果这样就叫考虑不周的话,那么我想知道,怎样的做法才能称为是对命运起伏面面俱到的防备呢?If that is called imprudence, I wonder what would be called a thoughtful provision against the vicissitudes of fortune.

申办二零零八年奥运会的意义,是一个很大的主题,无法在五分钟内面面俱到。The meaning of Beijing's bid for the 2008 Olympic Games, this is certainly too big a topic to be covered in five minutes.

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睿智的人知道,当我们试图面面俱到时,我们最成功的就是把我们的能力稀释了。And smart people know that when we try to do it all, we most often only succeed in diffusing our power to do anything well.

而且一本好的单词书,并不要求是面面俱到的,要面面俱到,你买本英汉大辞典好了。And a good word on the request is not exhaustive, it is necessary to everybody, you bought the English-Chinese Dictionary well.

在现在的教程内容里,我们不可能做到面面俱到,甚或不可能解释透彻这种人类性行为的全然无穷无尽的性变异。In the present course, it is not possible to describe all or even most of the sheer endless variations in human sexual behavior.

这是个面面俱到的综合性方案,我确信它一定会让我老板动心的,我会把最新进展告诉你的。This is a comprehensive solution for all facets. I am sure my boss will be convinced by your stuff. I'll let you know the latest.

不同国家的人有不同的饮食要求习惯,当然了,主办方在跨文化这点上就无须面面俱到,考虑细致了。You don’t need to be an expert in intercultural relationships to realize that people in different countries have different diets.

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但是很少的夫妻能够做到面面俱到,因此经常停下来评估你的财务管理状况是个好主意。But few couples get everything right, which is why it’s a good idea to stop every so often and reassess how you’ve arranged your finances.

大卫·卡梅伦的亲密助手安迪·库尔森称,他给旗下记者充分的运作自由,并且不会试图面面俱到的管理每一个报道。Andy Coulson, a close aide to David Cameron, said he gave his reporters freedom to operate and did not attempt to micro-manage every story.

如果没有面面俱到的信息来描述软件的工作方式,那么用户就会觉得它的行为是不可预知的。In absence of comprehensive information on how the software works, the user will have an impression that the its behavior is unpredictable.