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帮孩子找一些不那么霸道的朋友。Find less domineering friends.

但霸道者通常心虚,俄国也不例外。Bullies are usually insecure and Russia is no exception.

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一旦拥有权力,他的行动是霸道。Once in possession of power, his action was high-handed.

霸道,就好像那地方都是她的。Philip was the oldest and lorded it over the rest of us.

但是没有人会关注这个公司的霸道。But no one pays attention to the arrogance of the company.

小明很霸道,玩了很长时间也不让位。Xiao Ming is a bully, playing a long time also not retire.

他对待仆人的行为太霸道了。His behavior toward the waiter was insufferably overbearing.

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他做了一个简单的手势,近乎霸道地指着椅子。With a brief, almost peremptory gesture he pointed to a chair.

从前,许多父亲在家里都是极其霸道的一家之长。Years ago, many fathers were heavy-handed bosses in their homes.

历史的进程已经证明我们阿富汗人是很霸道的。The course of history has proved that the Afghan people are bullies.

他有点儿霸道,经常蔑视别人的观点。He is a bit bossy and often treats other people's ideas with distain.

他对其他小孩儿都很霸道以至于他没有交到一个玩伴儿。He was so bossy with other kids thathe couldn’t get through a playdate.

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在接下来的试用里,它的霸道和强悍,征服了每一个试用者。In the next trial, it's overbearing and powerful, to conquer every trial.

男孩比秦奋大一岁,又身强力壮,很霸道。Boys a year older than the Qin-fen, but also able-bodied, very domineering.

布莱克太太最专横霸道,她好像永远坐在审判官席上。Mrs black is so bossy she always acts as thought she is in the judgment seat.

面对霸道,芬奇绝不畏缩,他预备继承为汤姆申说。The face of rape, not shrink Vinci, he continued to prepare the complaint, Tom.

它是如此的霸道,将世界上最大的露天钻石矿藏占为己有。It’s an absolute beast and holds the title of largest open diamond mines in the world.

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上官清明不解,这个男人为什么总这么霸道?The last officer namely pure to don't comprehend clearly, this man why forever so arbitrary?

因此,差别就在于我们能不能确定这个人很霸道。The difference lies, therefore, in whether or not we can be certain of this person's bossiness.

“沃甫”的严格条款一出,有人拍手赞成,也有批评家指责其太“霸道”。Wafu's strict policy has been welcomed by some but criticized as overbearing by some reviewers.