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这并非是好莱坞首创This is not Hollywood invention.

思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。Being active, creative and innonative.

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思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。Being active, creative and innonative is a plus.

思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。Being active, creative and innovative is a plus.

你知道量子论是由谁首创的吗?Do you know who originated the theory of quantum?

她缺乏从事这样一个项目所需要的首创精神。She hasn't the initiative to start such a project.

世界首创,独家生产。The top product of world, only made in our factor.

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但许多人都以为这是苏格拉底的首创。But many people think that it is Socrates invention.

“CHINDIA”是由印度友人兰密施首创的。"CHINDIA" was first created by an Indian friend, Lanmishi.

这就是列宁首创的合作制思想。That is, the thought of cooperativeness initiated by Lenin.

海绵与布,里应外合!双层结构,卓越首创!Foam inside, fabric outside, double layers, make it perfect.

他首创了被称为额叶切断术的外科手术。He pioneered the surgical technique called frontal lobotomy.

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以您的阅历来看,这款酒是否是史上首创的猫主题葡萄酒呢?To your knowledge, isthis the world's first cat-themed wine?

现代的建筑风格式20年代一些建筑学家首创的。Modernism was invented in the 1920s by a group of architects.

梳式防波堤是一种新型直立防波堤,国内外属首创。The comb-type caisson is a new structural type of breakwaters.

本专栏文章是在中国首创投资近期发布的一份报告基础上改写而成的。This column is adapted from a report recently published by CFC.

我寻找并奖励那些表现出首创精神和创造力的人们。I look for and reward people who show initiative and creativity.

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“蜂窝式”工作制作室,目前在国内尚属首创。"Honeycomb-typed" working studio is initiated currently in China.

要相信群众,依赖群众,尊重群众的首创精神。Trust the masses , rely on the masses and respect their initiative.

磁力吸入式,全球首创,保护碟片好。Magnetic slot-in loader, second to none, perfect protection to disc.