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是的,切实是脂肪瘤。Yes. it's lipoma.

我们保证……切实可用。We do have available.

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切实加强文件宣贯工作。Strengthen the paper work Publicizing.

我呆的这个大屋切实下是一个太空生涯实验舱。I am in a test module for living in space.

不要再空谈了,切实的做点儿什么吧。Don’t just talk about it, but do something.

第三,切实加强核安全国际合作。Third, strengthen international cooperation.

切实加强民主法制建设。Strengthening democracy and the legal system.

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切实加强安全生产工作。We will continue to improve production safety.

发展中国家的意见应该得到充分体现,发展中国家的利益应该得到切实维护,这是联合国改革取得成功的关键。Herein lies the key to the success of UN reform.

你的任务就是找到切实的方法,使人们成功。Your job is to make it practical for people to succeed.

乙方应当切实遵守营销中心的各项项规章制度。Party B shall conform to bylaws of the Marketing Center.

电子商务能为企业和消费者带来切实的利益。E-commerce for businesses and consumers tangible benefits.

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但时不待我,此时此刻,需要立即采取切实的行动。However, we have to take actions right here and right now.

这里,首先要肯定的是维和是有用的,是一种低成本高效率的方法,能切实提高社会的安全度。It is a cost-effective approach. It does increase security.

只凭耳朵听很容易得到虚假的东西,只有亲眼见到才是切实可靠的。What you hear about may be false, but what you see is true.

对灾难的防范而言,最应该重视的是切实有效的具体措施。Prevention is really the only effective measure to consider.

切实加强财政管理和监督。We will strengthen management and oversight of pubic finance.

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所以寻求他人的帮助也是一种切实有效的调试技巧。A second pair of eyes is a very effective debugging technique.

切实保障宗教信仰自由。Fourth, freedom of religious belief is effectively guaranteed.

切实办好现有外商投资企业。Actually manage the existing foreign-invested enterprises well.