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把瓶子倒空!Empty the vase!

把这瓶子涮一下。Give this bottle a rinse.

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他把瓶子猛地向地上一摔。He dashed the bottle down.

请把那个瓶子递给我。Please pass me that sifter.

玻璃能被制成瓶子。Graps can be made into wine.

这个瓶子装得下一升。This bottle holds one litre.

这个黄瓶子里是什么?What's in the yellow bottle?

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绝望中,我砸掉了一个瓶子。In despair, I hit the bottle.

这个瓶子在漏!NO11, This bottle is leaking!

我把这个瓶子装满了水。I fill this bottle with water.

他用酒装满了那只瓶子。He filled the bottle with wine.

空瓶子可以退钱吗?Do you give refunds on empties ?

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把瓶子盖盖好。Replace the caps on the bottles.

小便时把尿装进1.5公升的瓶子里。Collect my piss into 1.5L bottle.

小熊维尼一不小心将瓶子摔下来。Pooh dropped a bottle by mistake.

这些瓶子不可退还。These bottles are not returnable.

把瓶子扔给我好吗,蒂米?Toss me the bottle,will you,Timmy?

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瓶子是用来盛水的。Bottles are used for holding water.

把这些瓶子灌满并用瓶塞塞紧。Fill and cork these bottles please.

瓶子都是我的,你凭什么拿走!My bottles are, what you take away!