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壶和平底锅是金属器具。Pots and pans are hardware.

这是金属器具中的一批好货。This is a good line of hardware.

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开马口铁罐头的器具。An appliance for opening tin cans.

开瓶器是厨用小器具。A bottle opener is a kitchen gadget.

一名护理麻醉师掘出一套器具。A nurse anesthetist unearthed a nest.

日本瓦斯器具检查协会。Japan Gas Appliances Inspection Assn.

计量器具与生产仪表等得标定。Equipment and rulers and gage demarcate.

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碗器具洗起来太费劲了。The drainer was too much trouble to wash.

且软起动器具有较好的鲁棒性。The performance of the starter is robust.

人类的祖先常利用牠作日常器具如针及锥。Ancient men used them as needles, awls etc.

雇主从事的是器具行业。The employer was in the appliance industry.

有一年保证期的器具。An appliance carrying a full-year guarantee.

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竹器是指用竹子作材料编制的器具。Bamboo ware is the ware which made of bamboo.

有些器具是不锈钢制作的。Some appliances were made of stainless steel.

用试验器具测一下土壤的酸度。Check the acidity of the soil with a test kit.

用茶刀或茶锥等专用器具从茶饼上撬下适量茶块。Use wimble to prize some pieces from the cake.

马鞍是放在马背上供人骑的器具。A fire extinguisher is a fire-fighting implement.

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我已使你成为有快齿打粮的新器具。Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing i.

那些铜制器具表面镀了一层黄铜。Those copper articles were superficially brassed.

他买了一个磨旧剃刀片的器具。He bought a device for sharpening old razor blades.