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你不能一个晚上囫囵吞枣式地读完那本书。You can't swallow the idea in that book overnight.

读书不能囫囵吞枣,而要从中吸取自己需要的东西。——易卜生。Reading cannot be swallowed, and learn what you need.

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想囫囵吞枣消化吸收新信息是困难的。Trying to digest new information in one lump is difficult.

读书不能囫囵吞枣,而要从中吸取自己需要的东西。Do not read without understanding. One should get what he need.

有些学生一接触信息就囫囵吞枣地马上吸收。Some students gobble up information as fast as they receive it.

囫囵吞枣的吃完午饭,然后又整个下午昏昏沉沉?Do you scoff down a huge lunch before feeling lethargic all afternoon?

“不管什么事,你都可以囫囵吞枣,”他说,“或者你可以试着理解它。”“You can gobble up the thing,” he said, “or you can try to understand it.”

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笔试方面我认为首先要弄清楚基本概念,切勿囫囵吞枣。I identify written examination respect to clear up basic idea to want above all, do not bolt.

有些书只需浅尝辄止,另一些供囫囵吞枣,尚有数需要细嚼慢咽,消化吸收。Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed , and digested.

读书亦如品咖啡,细品者品出的是香浓,囫囵吞枣者品出的只是一份苦淡。Reading gis like tasting coffee, fine quality product is fragrant, rushed out just a bitter a pale.

时代与潮流有它精华的一面,但也有其糟粕的一面,我们不能对其一概囫囵吞枣。Time and tide has its essence side, but also has its dregs side, we can't anything to its huluntianzao.

我已经读过数不清的电子书,囫囵吞枣了各种博主的许多经验,知道了所有可能的结果。I’ve read countless e-books, devoured advice from other bloggers, and learned about all the possible outcomes.

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若是拿糟粕当精华,囫囵吞枣、照单全收,那叫做屈死古人!If we treat the dregs as the cream and jump to conclusions like this, we are not doing justice to the ancients.

他是那种吃饭囫囵吞枣的主,在你刚刚吃了一半的时候,人家已离座看电视去了。He is the kind of meal the main read hastily and without thinking, you just ate half of the time, people have left their seats to watch tv.

没错,千百万囫囵吞枣般读过他的某一部小说的读者都会如饥似渴地径直返回书店去购买他写的书,这是可以理解的。And yeah, that makes a kind of sense to the millions and millions served who have gobbled their way through one of his novels only to head straight back to the bookstore starved for more.