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这处景观叫南门怀古。This building is called the Old South Gate.

怀古是中国文学的传统题材。Meditating on the past is a traditional topic in Chinese literature.

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所以,这个突厥—穆斯林帝国并非怀古的对象,而是政治的目标。So this Turko-Islamic Empire isn't an object of nostalgia, but a political project.

所以,这个突厥—穆斯林帝国并非怀古的对象,而是政治的目标。So this Turko-Islamic Empire isn’t an object of nostalgia, but a political project.

成都植物园能满足你一切悠适怀古的臆想。Chengdu botanical garden can satisfy your fitness perform all leisurely and nostalgic.

咏史怀古诗,无论在数量上还是艺术水平上,都堪称唐诗王国的一方重镇。History poetry is very imporant in Tang Dynasty, regardless of in quantity or art level.

这里,人们能经历现代的复杂性,怀古的旧世界魅力和多元文化气息。Here, one can experience modern sophistication, nostalgic old-world charm and multiracial magic in a single destination.

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著名作家张一弓赞誉为“高峡飞瀑藏幽径,绿水秀竹怀古情”。Famous writer Zhang Gong praised as "high Gorge waterfall hidden and quiet lane, green water bamboo nostalgia show love."

产品包括圆珠、旦面、怀古、大粒不定形石、碎石、时尚项鍊、手鍊、耳环、杂款吊坠等。Our selection includes beads, cabochons, donuts, tumbled stones, chips, necklaces , bracelets, earrings, fancy shape pendants.

刘禹锡的咏史怀古诗在取象与造境上匠心独运,技法高妙。Select scene and create imagery of Liu Yuxi's poetry about comment on ancient and history have unique, ultra-high writing practices.

他返回阶段后期在他的生活,写作和导演发挥尊敬他们的政治立场保守的性质和抒发怀古之情。He returned to the stage late in his life, writing and directing plays distinguished by their politically conservative nature and nostalgic tone.

金陵怀古词是中国词史中篇制浩繁、体系完备的题材类型。Jinling Nostalgic Ci is a type of subject matter shared by a host of ancient Chinese poems forming a complete system in Chinese history of ci-poetry.

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为体现顾客的不同喜好,链齿有怀古情调的黄铜色、金色、银色等金属类色彩及荧光色彩等。Plastic Zipper has the Simulation Teeth Color such as antiqued Copper Gold, Silver and Fluorescent Color for versatility to seduce the taste of customers.

宗教建筑往往带有强烈的怀古气息,其形式似乎也拘泥在传统的建筑类型学中。Sometimes religion construction has obvious feature of meditating on the past and its form seems to be stickled in the traditional architectural typology.

杨基的词作在入明前秾丽纤巧,感情基调是积极而欢快的,入明后的词作情感上委婉含蓄,充满愁苦悲惧,颇有思乡怀古之语,情绪低沉消极。Yangji's poems are bright and positive before Ming dynasty while are full with passive emotion and expresses euphemistic, sorrow and strong emotion of homeland in Ming dynasty.

对内为市民休闲、娱乐、健身的城市公园,成为寻幽觅踪、赏诗怀古、亲近自然、怡情养性的好去处。Internally for the public recreation, entertainment, fitness, city parks, seek to become the beautiful trail and enjoy poetry nostalgia, close to nature, builds character and a good place to go.