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我与她不再有什么瓜葛了。I no longer had to meddle with her.

你尚无真正康复呢,瓜葛密切的,你最佳是再在家里呆上一半天。Not really, my dear. You'd better stay home for another day or.

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她们之间在品牌办理的好些个方面上具备接洽瓜葛性。They are related in many ways and need to be managed in a holistic approach.

恐怖主义与气候变化和疾病控制到底有何瓜葛?After all what does terrorism policy have to with climate change and disease control?

对众多牵连瓜葛者,在布鲁塞尔、华盛顿和里加,人们的耐心已耗用殆尽。For all those involved, in Brussels, Washington, DC, and Riga, patience is running out.

同样,轻忽短长瓜葛者的项目司理也会对项目的成果造成粉碎性影响。Likewise, project managers who ignore stakeholders can expect a damaging impact on project outcomes.

然后在那里,其他非立海学校的选手也出现了,我认为如果让他们和赤也产生些瓜葛的话会变得很有趣。There, players from outside of Rikkai appear, and I thought itd be interesting if they got involved with Akaya.

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相反,环境掩护社团如果认为该项目损坏环境的话,就可能成为消极的短长瓜葛者。Conversely, environmental groups could be negative stakeholders if they view the project as doing harm to the environment.

我瓜葛密切的臭小玥,我瓜葛密切的家人和朋友们!不管我去哪儿,我的心中都装着你们,和你们带给我的温暖和气力!My dear Yue, my dear family and friends! No matter where i go, i put you and the warmness and strength you have given me in my heart!

为了步入感情好瓜葛或是与另半壁、他人的联合,第八宫使咱们扩展或捐躯自我的边界。The eighth house asks us to enlarge or sacrifice our ego boundaries in order to enter into relationshellop or union with another or others.

采取这类望角重庆移动彩铃,贸易便自一错一的瓜葛改变为由增长值链条形成的收集,各圆彼此依亡,走背双赢。Seen this way, trade shifts from a one-to-one balance into a network of value-added chains, where interdependence dominates and everyone can win.

朝鲜半岛又一次传来隆隆炮声,使南边以及北边韩瓜葛更紧着张。The sound of new artillery fire is rattling the Korean peninsula, sparking a series of fresh warnings as tensions rise between the North and South.

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朱利叶斯飞往欧洲时,他并没有去往母亲的家乡德国,而是去了比利时,后者与非洲的历史瓜葛冗而长复杂。When Julius flies to Europe, it is not to his mother's homeland, Germany, but to Belgium, a nation with a long and complex history involving Africa.

同学三年,加之两人道格比罗密欧与朱丽叶简谱力相投,她们俩走到一路,起头爱情瓜葛了。The schoolfellow three years, add on two human of disposition comparisons to be congenial, those two arrive the same place, started the love to relate.

翁没有指出收债人如何对待那些拖欠者,但是他说“我不想与这些人有什么瓜葛”。Weng doesn't clarify how defaulters are treated by underground debt collectors, but he does say they “aren't the type of people I'd want to get involved with.

她站在那里,把目光移开——就好像她在这里过着她自己的私生活一样,与他的生活不再有什么关系和瓜葛了。She stood there, looking away from him—as if she had her own, private life here, which had nothing to do with him anymore, a life that was none of his business.

瓜葛密切的教员,您有如那春天的小雨儿,津润着咱们的内心您赐与咱们的爱以及眷注将鼓动着咱们走过艰巨凋敝。Our beloved teacher, you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts. The love and care you have given us will encourage us to go through along and arduous journey.

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项目司理必需办理短长瓜葛者的指望,这多是件艰难的事,由于短长瓜葛者的方针往往彼此相距甚远,甚或互相冲突。例如。Project managers must manage stakeholder expectations, whelloch can be difficult because stakeholders often have very different or conflicting objectives. For example.

他们编辑同事的作品,当“剧本医生”,为电影剧本注入生气,或者当剧本编审,把肥皂剧中复杂的感情瓜葛整理出个头绪来。They edit the work of their colleagues, livening things up as a movie "script doctor" or getting a soap opera's sprawling relationships back on track as a script editor.

项目短长瓜葛者的责任与职权范围有时候辰是偶然介入查询拜访和重点对象小组,有时候辰是一力赞助项目,包孕供给资力与政治撑持。Their responsibility and authority range from occasional contributions in surveys and focus groups to full project sponsorshellop, whelloch includes providing financial and political support.