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你这没出息的男孩。You no-account boy.

而服务业则是留给那些没出息的家伙们做的。Services are for sissies.

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一群没出息的家伙,给我停手。A bunch of sissies, quit it.

不要成为一个没出息的人。Don't be a good for nothing.

为什么我每次都会爱上没出息的家伙?Why do I always fall for losers?

你真是没出息。You are really good for nothing.

别嫁给那个没出息的人。Don't marry that good for nothing.

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我儿子是个没出息的人。My son is such a good for nothing.

那狡猾的家伙真是个没出息的人。That smart guy is really a good for nothing.

我还是那么没出息处处留意你的消息。I still do not pay attention to your message.

没有雄心的人被称为没出息的或者懒惰的人。A person without ambition is said to be shiftless.

那个没出息的青年人只会浪费钱。That futile young man does nothing but waste money.

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试图向家人隐瞒这种坏习惯,真没出息。To hide such a bad habit from one's family is pathetic.

好没出息,就是这样一个伤感情的女人。Unpromising good, that is, hurt the feelings of a woman.

您经常说女孩长大肯定没出息。You always say that girls grow up definitely unpromising.

如果我们纠缠这些,那真是没出息,太没出息了。If we open a quarrel these, it was hopeless, so unpromising.

人不劳动没出息,人不学习没长进。People do not work for nothing, people do not learn no progress.

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他攻击我,攻击我的妻子,这正证明他自己是个没出息的胆小鬼。By attacking me, by attacking my wife, he has proved himself to be a gutless coward.

相反,他们甚至不想工作,这一小部分人被认为是没出息的甚至是懒惰的。Instead, they want to get out of doing work. They are considered shiftless or even lazy.

“危险!”那又聋又哑的西班牙人咕哝着说,“没出息!”两个孩子见此大吃一惊。Dangerous! " grunted the "deaf and dumb" Spaniard—to the vast surprise of the boys. "Milksop! "