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苦苦执着于我还没有得到的!Holding on to what I havent got!

所有这些日子。所有这些苦苦挣扎。All these days. All these struggles.

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从苦苦的等待到撕心的痛。From the hard waiting to Sixin pain.

被困于钉架床上的她,却又一次让我苦苦等待。On a bed of nails she makes me wait.

苏亚雷斯的生意在苦苦挣扎。The Soares’ business was struggling.

公子治已经苦苦的爱了我很多年。Prince Zhi has loved me madly for years.

中国并没有因法国的苦苦哀求而心软。China said no to the French cry for help.

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她苦苦思念在国外的丈夫。She is languishing for her hushand abroad.

他是在跟一大袋的洋芋片苦苦挣扎。He was in bed with a big bag of Chips Ahoy.

她的母亲辛辛苦苦的缝制棉织品。Her mother laborious sews the cotton fabric.

她苦苦哀求她的继母让她去。She begged her stepmother to allow her to go.

既然他不爱你你又何必苦苦相逼?You know that I love you, but you ignored me.

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正牌女人苦苦哀求男友不要离去。Genuine woman begging her boyfriend not to go.

尽管她苦苦哀求,他也没有手下留情。He refused to hold her hand though she begged.

妻本是峨嵋山苦苦修炼一蛇仙。I'm actually a snake spirit from Emei Mountain.

我们苦苦思索终于解出这首诗的意思。We finally puzzled out the meaning of the poem.

他为了寻找工作而在街上苦苦地跑了一整天。He plodded the streets all day looking for work.

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她用哽咽了的嗓音苦苦哀求。She implored piteously a voice choked with sobs.

孩子苦苦哀求,但父母就是不让步。The child pleaded, but the parents wouldnt yield.

这么多年来,我一直都在苦苦探究,究竟什么才是爱?。Over the years, I have been learning what is love.