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“啊呀”理论。The "oops" theory.

啊呀,我的儿子长大了!Oh, my son grow up!

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啊呀,你们安静点,好吗?Oh,belt up, would you?

“啊呀,天哪!”嘉莉说。"Oh, dear, " said Carrie.

啊呀,我的儿子真的长大了!Oh, my son grow up really!

啊呀!你的幻想对象没了!Ouch! Your fantasy's gone.

啊呀,天在下雪啦!Oh, dear! Another rainy day.

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啊呀,那可是个女巨人。Blimey, that's one big woman.

啊呀。我只有一个爸爸。Stop! I have only one father.

啊呀你又得红眼病了?。Aw, did you get pinkeye again?

啊呀,今天的队伍好长啊!Boy, are the lines long today!

啊呀!毽子到哪里去了?Oops! Where is the shuttlecock?

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啊呀!他被敌人杀死了!Alas! He was killed by the enemy!

啊呀不好,我的钱找不到了。Oh, no! Now I can't find my money.

欢迎来到多佛,啊呀!伯肯黑德公爵。Welcome to dover my lord birkenhead.

啊呀,你的气色看上去很差,怎么了?Oh you look awful! What's the matter?

啊呀,玛丽,是你啊,听见你的声音真好。Oh, Mary! It's nice to hear your voice.

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肺心病啊呀我还是得到整理的权利。Cor blimey I better get the defrag right.

啊呀不得了,我晚了,我必须要在早上八点到办公室。Oh dear, I'm late. I have to be in the office by 8am.

啊呀,他停下了!注意,他转身了!别让他给跑了!Hallo, he's stopped! —Look out, he's turning! Don't let him get away!