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辉石与闪石也含有钙。Pyroxenes and amphiboles also contain calcium.

赋矿层位中富含磁黄铁矿、黄铁矿、锰铝榴石和锰铁闪石。Ore bearing stratum contain richly pyrrhotite, pyrite, spessartine and dannemorite.

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在闪石类石棉中,组成的原子呈链状排列。In amphibole asbestos the constituent atoms are arranged in chain -like conformation.

笔者在国内首次发现镁砂川闪石,它产于云南哀牢山红宝石矿床中。It was first found by the authors in China in a ruby deposit in the Ailao Mountains, Yunnan Province.

最后登场的是各式镶缀水晶闪石的配饰及富有戏剧色彩的晚装,不禁令人联想起蓝碧嘉的时代。A final presence of de Lempicka is felt as crystal deco accessories and dramatically draped gowns evoke her era.

镁砂川闪石是1984年在日本发现的一个新矿物,在世界上产地很少。Mgnesio-sadanagaite is a new mineral species found in Japan in 1984. Its occurrences in the world are very scarce.

将废玻璃和氟云母晶体粉末混合,采用烧结法制备可加工氟闪石玻璃陶瓷。A machinable fluoramphibole glass-ceramic was fabricated by directly mixing fluormica crystals with recycled glass powder and sintering.

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结果表明闪石类、帘石类、片状矿物、自生黄铁矿和金属矿物为优势重矿物。The result showed that dominant minerals were amphibole group, epidote group, schistose minerals, authigenous pyrite and metallic minerals.

赋矿层位中富含磁黄铁矿、黄铁矿、锰铝榴石和锰铁闪石。Ore bearing stratum contain richly pyrrhotite, pyrite, spessartine and dannemorite . Additionly, there are smaller arsenopyrite and cobaltite.

将氟云母晶体粉末直接与窗玻璃粉末混合后烧结,制备出可加工氟闪石玻璃陶瓷。A machinable fluoramphibole glass-ceramic was fabricated by directly incorporating fluormica crystals with recycled glass powder and then sintered.

因52个样品中,也包含钠钙闪石亚族,故对整个闪石族用X射线衍射估算阳离子占位的问题已基本解决。As Na-Ca sub-amphiboles appeared among the 52 samples, the method of estimating canon occupancied by X-ray diffraction is suitable to all amphiboles.

加热至850℃,氟云母与玻璃发生反应析晶形成氟闪石,对致密化影响很大。Heating up to 850 ℃, fluoramphibole is formed by a reactive crystallization between fluormica and glass, which had a significant influence on the densification.

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结合矿石化学分析和镜下鉴定结果,证实闪石类矿物与磁性铁有着密切关系。Combined with the chemical analysis and the microscopic identification results, it is confirmed that amphibole minerals have a close relationship with magnetic iron.

宝日拉锦乌拉钠闪石花岗岩岩体位于大兴安岭中段东坡,形成于早白垩世晚期或更晚些。The Baorilajinwola riebeckite granite body, located in the eastern flank of the middle section of Daxing'an Mountains, was formed in the late stage of Early Cretaceous or later.

最近在南天山中段库米什地区发现了蓝片岩,作为蛇绿混杂体的一种基质产出,含有蓝闪石和青铝闪石。The blueschist found recently in Kumux in the central sector of the south Tianshan Mountains occurs as a kind of matrix of ophiolitic melange, containing glaucophane and crossite.

断裂破碎带岩石在先存的五台期角闪岩相变质岩之上,叠加了绿片岩相动力退变质作用,普遍出现绿泥石、直闪石、绢云母、堇青石等新生的变质矿物。The pre-exist amphibolite facies rocks in the fracture belt have been superimposed by retrograde green-schist facies with neoformation of chlorite, anthophyllite, sericite and cordierite.

本文报道了藏北羌塘中部才多茶卡地区晚三叠世蓝闪石片岩及蓝闪石矿物的新发现及地质意义。The paper reports the new discovery of the late Triassic blueschists and glaucophanes and its geological significance in Caiduo Caka, Shuanghu area, central Qiangtang, northern Tibet, China.

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区内含蓝闪石岩的原岩包括优地槽内发育的各类富钠火山岩、含富钠火山质的沉积岩。The primary rocks include the various sodium-rich volcanic rocks and the sedimentary rocks with sodium-rich volcanic materials which are well developed in the North Qilian eugeosyncline area.

利用岩石薄片X衍射技术,在松辽盆地深层富碱酸性火山岩中识别出特征的碱性暗色矿物——钠铁闪石,从而确定其为碱流岩。Using thin section X-ray diffraction techniques, his paper identified arfvedsonite in volcanic rocks from Songliao Basin, and thus confirmed that the volcanic rocks are composed of pantellerite.