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这已是街头巷尾谈论的事了。It is the talk of the town.

那个离了婚的女子成了街头巷尾的话题。The divorced woman is the talk of the street.

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街头巷尾都在传他被烧成了灰烬。Burnt to cinders, we were told by the neighbourhood gossips.

但街头巷尾的现实给他上了一堂截然不同的课。But reality on the street was teaching him a very different lesson.

抵抗与不抵抗对于街头巷尾的普通人来说会有很大区别吗?Would it really make any difference to the ordinary man and woman in the street?

事实上,他和夥伴「猪小弟」有一段时间成为街头巷尾谈论的话题。In fact, he and his partner Porky Pig were the talk of the town for quite a while.

非洲的文化在街头巷尾,在博物馆,在历史教科书中,也在我们的衣柜中。The African culture is on the streets, in museums, history books and in wardrobes.

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挖耳勺,在中国曾是个常见的物件,街头巷尾,至今犹有出卖。Ear picks, delicate devices for removing wax from ears, used to be common in China.

还有多如牛毛的公司在生产着假冒的吉列产品和劳力士手表,而这些假冒产品又在街头巷尾售出。And myriad companies churn out the fake Gillettes and Rolexes sold on street corners.

在街头巷尾安装摄录机会让我觉得更安全。I would feel better if there were video cameras on most street corners, to prevent crime.

他们两人很快穿上手工制作的超级英雄外套,在广州的街头巷尾对付各种不公正现象。Chuck and Li are soon donning handmade superhero outfits and fighting injustices around Guangzhou.

他的英雄业绩曾经赢得伊斯兰网站的赞誉,并成为街头巷尾和沙漠人家津津乐道的话题。His exploits won him praise on Islamic Web sites as well as on street corners and desert firesides.

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打开天窗说亮话,核子议题的相关辩论很少真正地资讯透明,无论是街头巷尾、大众媒体、政府内阁,其实都只获得一知半解的片面资讯。Nuclear debates are seldom well-informed, whether on the streets, in the media or in cabinet rooms.

这是一项严厉的措施,并同时实行宵禁,因此这项禁令使街头巷尾宁静了许多。It's a Draconian measure, but along with curfews, the injunction has quieted the streets considerably.

有人认为,美式台球仅仅是属于酒吧、街头巷尾的“下里巴人”式的游戏而已。Somebody thinks, American billiards only belongs to the bar, streets and lanes "descends" type of game.

作为礼物是好的选择,但要品尝真正的酥饼香,大家还是去街头巷尾寻觅吧。It's a good choice as gift. But the hot Chuasu in small lanes is the real taste of this famous local food.

而在第一轮伊朗总统大选中鲁哈尼的胜利引发了伊朗街头巷尾的庆祝。Rowhani's win in the first round of Iran's presidential election touched off celebrations in the streets of Iran.

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在中国北方,到了冬季,街头巷尾便飘起了糖炒栗子的香味。As winter comes, the air is always filled with the aroma of roasted chestnuts at streets and lanes in North China.

七月的那些日子以后,首都的街头巷尾充斥了对布尔什维克的诽谤,关于这些我以后还要说到。After the July days, of which I will say later, the streets of the capital teemed with slander against the Bolsheviks.

可现如今有另外一个戴面具的正义使者出没于街头巷尾,他自称青蜂侠,罩着洛城那一片。But now there's another masked vigilante on the streets. Calls himself the Green Hornet. He's taking over Los Angeles.