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但是,2009年将是险象环生的一年。But 2009 will be a dangerous year.

公司那时正“险象环生”,斯威瑟写道。The company was "in constant danger, " Swisher writes.

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他开车像个疯子,我们一路上险象环生。He drove like a maniac. We had one near miss after another.

作为一只老鼠,即便是穿过一条普普通通的马路,也会是险象环生、惊险动魄。For a rat, it is even a dreadful experience to go across a street.

为了搭救老管家而只身回到险象环生的法国。To rescue old housekeeper and the return of the crisis to return to France alone.

5年多以前,在被子弹击碎鸟喙后,她险象环生地逃脱了偷猎者的追捕。More than 5 years ago, she narrowly escaped a poacher after a bullet shattered her beak.

冬季时,大雪常造成路面湿滑、险象环生,有时甚至无法通行,让四处环游难上加难。In the winter, there can be a lot of snow that makes roads icy, dangerous and sometimes impassable.

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他说,在一个越来越险象环生的世界,印度和美国关系即便是越走越远也不会产生真正的风险。He says in an increasingly dangerous world, there is no real risk of the U.S. and India drifting apart.

他们一向无视红灯,让本应该安全无虞的过街行人险象环生。They routinely ignore red traffic lights, menacing pedestrians crossing the road when it ought to be safe.

在被美国银行救助前也面临崩溃风险的美林,目前也将其母公司拖下水,使其同样险象环生.Merrill Lynch, in danger of collapsing before being rescued by Bank of America, now imperils its new parent.

在曾梵志同期的象徵性作品中充斥著险象环生,四面受敌的场景。In Zeng's figurative works from this same period, his canvases are dense with an insurmountable and hostile landscape.

军队沿险象环生的小路徒步前进,背上的纸板箱里装着急救物资。Troops on foot picked their way across treacherous trails carrying emergency supplies on their backs in cardboard boxes.

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延续本届霸三全国赛的特点,首轮比赛赛况折叠起伏,险象环生。Continuation of this hegemony is characterized by three national championships, first round scores and fold downs, and danger.

在这场艰难的险象环生的宾夕法尼竞选之后,希拉里身上披满彩带,与支持者共享胜选喜悦After a tough and often nasty campaign, a jubilant Hillary Clinton stood among supporters, covered with confetti and relishing the win.

从西宁,我们知道我们要面对一段险象环生的旅程,而我们并未考虑进去的是高海拔和彻骨的寒冷。From Xining, we knew that we faced a long journey on hazardous roads, but what we didn't factor in was the high altitude and freezing cold.

几个孩子在各种风险中奋力流亡,数次险象环生,其中大丈夫和小媳妇之间不乏诙谐诙谐的阅历。Several children in various risk struggled to exile, several of those dangers, including men and XiaoXiFu is witty experience between witty.

结果河南队门前险象环生,即使解围出来的球,不到中场就被大连队抢断,继续进攻。Henan results of the team in front of the risky, even if the rescue out of the ball, was less than half steals Dalian team and continue to attack.

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在拉登与布拉克海默、斯科特和卡维泽的通力合作下,摄制组创作出了最逼真的、险象环生的爆炸场面。Rudden also collaborated with Bruckheimer, Scott and Caviezel in creating a true-to-life portrait of a dangerous bomber in the character of Oerstadt.

他们处境艰危,险象环生──即使能在战火中幸免于难,任何失败的结局都会让他们受到叛国的指控,被送上绞刑架。The odds against them were long and the risks enormous – for even if they survived the battle, any ultimate failure would bring charges of treason, and death by hanging.

美国国家航空航天局朱诺探测器即将踏上征途,前往险象环生的木星,探测器在那里将遭受到强烈宇宙射线的照射,强度将超过太阳系内除了太阳以外任何有探测器造访过的地方。NASA's Juno spacecraft will be forging ahead into a treacherous environment at Jupiter with more radiation than any other place NASA has ever sent a spacecraft, except the sun.