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这是一个哀婉的爱情故事。It is a sad love story.

让人无限哀婉。and make people feel infinite pathos.

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她的话非常哀婉动人。There is abundant pathos in her words.

当她坐在教堂里时,脸上带着一种哀婉和辛辣的表情。As she sat in church her face had a pathos and poignancy.

在岁月哀婉的歌声中,只有它才能与一切对抗。Only it can resist everything in the lamentation of years.

法多音乐就是与它相关的一种哀婉乐。Fado music, a type of mournful singing, relates to saudade.

是回荡全篇的低沉而又哀婉的调子。Is a whole chapter echoes the tone of deep but subtle language.

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中国古典诗歌中哀婉的诗颇多,情思哀婉的诗尤具诗性的美。There are lots of sad and gentle poems in Chinas classical poems.

要是有一个伴侣在旁就会分散我的注意,冲淡此时此刻的哀婉之情。A companion would have been a distraction, diluting the pathos of the moment.

她抱着孩子从马车上下来,一付哀婉动人的样子。She was a pathetic figure as she stepped out of the cab with the baby in her arms.

纳兰性德常常在他的词的凄清哀婉的意境中抒发一种人生如梦的空幻感受。In his pathetic poems, Nalan Xingde usually shows an illusory feeling that life is like a dream.

唐代文士在前代的基础上,用叙述之笔构筑了许多哀婉欲绝的婚恋故事。Tang literators indited many plangent stories of marriage and love on the basis of former generations.

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尽管我们都衷心祝愿有情人终成眷属,文学史上还是留下了许多凄恻哀婉的爱情故事。Although we wish that the lovers have a happy wedding, there are still some tragic love-stories in literature.

不忍看你又舞起孤独的月舞,曲调和着推杯换盏的美酒,没人懂的哀婉。To see you dance the lonely moon dance tunes, and a push cup change light wine, no one understands the pathos.

“你无视我的警告”,他对人说,而女人哀婉动人地悲呼此事和她绝不相干。"You ignored My warning, " said He to man, as woman wailed pathetically that she had had nothing to do with it.

它使理智变得模模糊糊,以悲怆哀婉取代悲剧,并把较严峻的生活问题掩盖在温情脉脉的迷雾之中。It clouds the reason, substitutes pathos for tragedy, and obscures the harder issues of life in a mist of tenderness.

事物之间的突兀在哀婉、消极、空旷的色调氛围里被孕育着更多的可能。The abruption among the matters is conceiving more possibilities in the atmosphere of pathetic, passive and hollow hues.

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在罗马的卡比托奈山丘博物馆里,有一尊大理石雕塑,因其简介哀婉的线条,形成了我心中最美的作品。In the Capitoline Museum in Rome is a sculpture in marble which, in its simple pathos, seems to me to be a most beautiful creation.

在抒情艺术这一章里,主要分析了韦应物哀婉伤感的抒情基调和平淡中见深意的诗情。The chapter on lyrical art mainly analyses lyrical tone of pathos and sentimentality and lyrical modes of gentleness and soulfulness.

中国游客们在一个古老阳台下拍照,据说这是朱丽叶和罗密欧幽会的那个阳台,挨着一个深情哀婉的朱丽叶青铜雕像。Chinese tourists have their pictures taken below an ancient balcony said to be Juliet’s, and next to a bronze statue of the tragic heroine.