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安全的天然替代万络和西乐葆。Safe natural alternative to Vioxx "and" Celebrex.

最短点是在摩洛哥的蓬塔-西乐斯和西班牙的蓬塔-奥利沃洛斯之间。Shortest point is between Punta Oliveros in Spain and Punta Cires in Morocco.

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和他的荷兰前辈一样,范佩西乐衷于创造进球的艺术美。And like his compatriot, Van Persie was as happy creating goals as scoring them.

他表示,目前尚不明确西乐葆是否会影响体内维生素D水平。According to the authors, Celebrex is not known to affect vitamin D levels in the body.

目的观察西乐葆治疗膝骨关节炎的疗效及安全性。Objective To observe the clinical effect of Celebrex on patients with Knee osteoarthritis.

但当人们同时服用立普妥、西乐葆萘普生钠时肝损伤几率增加。However, those who also take Lipitor, Celebrex and Aleve face an increased risk of liver damage.

西乐葆和别的药物,仅仅作用于环氧合酶,并不具有这些作用。Celebrex and the other drugs, which largely target just cyclooxygenase, did not show these effects.

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西乐葆可抑制局灶性脑缺血再灌注时的炎症反应,具有脑保护作用。Celebrex is of effect of inhibiting inflammation reaction in. reperfusion after focal cerebral ischemia.

西乐葆使默克回想起同类的药物,也是在辉瑞第三畅销的药品——万络。Celebrex, in the same class of medicines as Merck's recalled Vioxx, is Pfizer's third-best-selling drug.

在历史景点方面,则有西乐索炮台、海事博物馆和新加坡万象馆。The historical spots, there are cable-West Battery, the Marine Museum and the Museum of Singapore Vientiane.

参加者服用200毫克或是400毫克西乐葆,或是安慰剂,每天2次,总共3年。Participants took either 200 milligrams or 400 milligrams of Celebrex, or a placebo, twice a day, for three years.

它同对面圣淘沙岛上的西乐索炮台一道,扼守着吉宝湾海港南面的入海口。Together with Fort Siloso on the opposite Sentosa Island, it guarded the entrance to the harbours in Keppel Bay from the southern sea.

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关节康治疗膝关节骨性关节炎的疗效与西乐葆相当,且在改善患者全身状况上具有一定优势,值得进一步开发研究和推广应用。GKT and celecoxib have a similar effect for OA, and GKT shows a better effect on relieving TCM syndrome, which is worth of further research.

研究者跟踪那些参加服用西乐葆试验而后又提早结束得人们,发现他们都容易患一些心血管问题。The researchers followed people who were involved in a study that was terminated early after Celebrex was linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular problems.

Ⅱ级标准仅对东北走廊线的美铁阿西乐客运快线服务有效,因为阿西乐是美国目前唯一应用Ⅱ级标准运行的客运快线。The Tier IIstandards only impact the Amtrak Acela Service on the Northeast Corridor because Acela is currently the only Tier II application operating in the United States.

但是研究也显示,人们服用西乐葆容易得心脏疾病和其他的一些心血管问题,特别是如果他们本来就有心脏病。But that research also showed that people taking Celebrex had more heart attacks, stroke, and other cardiovascular problems, particularly if they already had heart disease.