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总是节外生枝,总是有人出面干涉。Always there is something. Always someone will interfere.

聪明的老婆从不给老公有时间三思,省得节外生枝。A wise wife never gives her husband time to have second thoughts.

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砍掉开场白和结束语,事情说完及时打住,不要节外生枝。Cut out the introduction and the peroration, and stop before you get to secondly.

然而,就在她的访问行将结束的时候,不想节外生枝,发生了一件她完全意想不到的事情。The conclusion of her visit, however, was diversified in a way which she had not at all imagined.

班尼叔叔给了我一笔钱,将我送到这,不会再节外生枝。And then when I done my time, Uncle Benny, he gives me my portion, sends me out here so I cant get into trouble.

如果俱乐部的管理层节外生枝,那肯定会有问题,很可能将在未来导致一场官司。So there's a problem and a possibility that if the administrator goes down another route then there could be further legal battles.

苏少卿对程云发说高茂林终于接头了,还说要先抓了他省的夜长梦多,节外生枝。Shao-qing su said to cloud hair Gao Maolin finally joint, also said that first caught his night long dream more provinces, the boat.

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工作和财运都不顺利给属牛朋友增加不少烦恼,所以遇到棘手的问题更应快速冷静解决,以免节外生枝。Work and wealth do not increase, if faced a problem should be resolved quickly by calming your mood, to avoid further complications.

白三潘虎制服日本人,为了避免节外生枝,萧岚劝韩金铨放了他们,并提醒韩金铨要当心码头。White three Pan Hu Japanese uniform, in order to avoid the boat, xiao LAN advised Han Jinquan put them, and remind be careful Han Jinquan pier.

任何一位有心细读我的作品的读者都会发现,即使作品是直截了当的宣传鼓励,也包含着许多职业政客视为节外生枝的点缀。Anyone who cares to examine my work will see that even when it is downright propaganda it contains much that a full-time politician would consider irrelevant.

并且说中共发言人的声明“态度上似乎不够郑重”,而且是“节外生枝”。The statement of the spokesman for the Communist Party of China, he added, "does not seem to be serious enough in its attitude" and, moreover, "causes complications".

经验表明,如果向对方提供学校、诊所、医院,或者哪怕只是衣物食品,都会导致很多节外生枝的问题。Experience has shown that when facilities such as schools, dispensaries , hospitals, or even clothes and food are offered to the people being taught, many complications arise.

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有时候,事情会偏离我们预想的轨道,节外生枝常会让人很沮丧,但只要我们有足够的耐心,那些枝条说不定会绽放出异彩的契机。Sometimes things don't always go according to the way we plan. This often causes frustration. But if we're patient enough, these little glitches can blossom in to golden opportunities.