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他依旧郁郁寡欢,并且有点粗野。He remained heavy and somewhat uncouth.

他陷入郁郁寡欢的境地。He had plunged into an involved melancholy.

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如不美观我今天有点郁郁寡欢,请原谅我。Please excuse me if I'm a little pensive today.

有一天,当哈姆雷特想到父亲的鬼魂和他对鬼魂所做的承诺而显得郁郁寡欢和忧虑时,一群演员来看他。he had made, a group of actors came to visit him.

假如你有一个朋友,最近老是郁郁寡欢。Let's say your friend is not doing so well lately.

像布什一样,据说胡佛变得郁郁寡欢。Like Bush, Hoover is said to have become depressed.

有快乐的穷人,也有郁郁寡欢的富人。There are happy poor people and miserable rich people.

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她搬到葡萄牙去之后,孤独的生活让她变得郁郁寡欢。The loneliness got her down when she moved to Portugal.

菲的死让明变得孤僻,他心灰意冷,郁郁寡欢。He became insular, emotionally dead, passionless and morose.

因此,希思很少表现出尼克松那种郁郁寡欢。As a result Heath rarely exhibited Nixon's crippling diffidence.

以前人们常说,英国人享乐时也郁郁寡欢。It used to be said that English people take their pleasure sadly.

现如今有很多人都郁郁寡欢,因为他们并没有得到他们所期望的。Nowadays, many people are unhappy because they do not get the results they expect.

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一个是郁郁寡欢离群索立,一对则情侣依偎窃窃私语。Is a retreat from unhappy cable legislation, a pair of lovers was whispering leaned.

他回家的时候是兴高采烈呢,还是郁郁寡欢都和他在玩的时候发生的事情有关。Whether he comes home light- or heavy-hearted depends on what happened during play time.

另一项研究发现,病残人士并不像人们通常想像的那样郁郁寡欢。Another study found that the sick and disabled don't wallow in misery as is commonly believed.

“老气横秋,灰不溜秋,郁郁寡欢,象我一样,”她对自己又说了这些,然而事实并非如此。"Old and gray and gloomy, just like me, " she added to herself, though it wasn't exactly true.

他那郁郁寡欢的胖脸和阴沉的椭圆形下颚令人联想到中世纪作为艺术保护者的高僧。The plump shadowed face and sullen oval jowl recalled a prelate , patron of arts in the middle ages.

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安德鲁在亚特兰大郊区的家中被击毙。当天他因为在学校的考试成绩很糟糕而郁郁寡欢。On the day he was shot in his familys suburban Atlanta home, the boy was upset over a bad grade at school.

柯立芝沉默寡言到了郁郁寡欢的地步,哈定则是个饶舌的花花公子,二人堪称绝配。Quiet to the verge of sullen, Coolidge was a perfect foil to Harding , a garrulous playboy of a president.

在研讨会上,我总是喜欢问观众,“你们身边是否有熟识的人在服用抗抑郁药却依然郁郁寡欢?”I always ask during my seminars, "How many of you know someone who is on antidepressants and still depressed?"