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他的脚步轻快。His step was springy.

他轻快地穿上外套。He popped his coat on.

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他举止活泼轻快。He has a breezy manner.

她轻快地跳下床。She brisked out of bed.

这辆车骑起来很轻快。The bicycle runs sweetly.

一只蜂鸟轻快地飞过。A humming-bird flitted by.

她轻快地走进了房间。She sashayed into the room.

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他轻快地走过了马路。He skelped across the street.

她轻快地完成了任务。She breezed through the task.

他轻快地跳上公共汽车。He tripped lightly into a bus.

一阵轻快的风使帆鼓起来了。A brisk wind swelled the sails.

女孩轻快地唱着一首流行歌曲。The girl lilted a popular song.

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船儿轻快地向前行进。The boat moves forward sprightly.

一只兔子轻快地跑过马路。A rabbit skittered across the road.

她赤着脚轻快地走过。She pattered along in her bare feet.

女神,轻快的华尔兹激怒了巴德。Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex Bud.

轻快的歌曲竟似挽歌使我压抑。A light song overcomes me like a dirge.

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这出戏里净是轻快的歌舞场面。The play bubbled with songs and dances.

长笛发出一阵轻快的笛声。The flute broke into a light lilting air.

女学生们轻快地跑下楼梯。The girl students romped down the stairs.