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那么,公有制社会的今天。But today in the communistic society.

坚持公有制为主导的所有制结构。Adhere to the ownership structure dominated by public ownership.

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有些选择了私人所有制,但华西选择了公有制。Some chose private ownership, but we Huaxi people chose public ownership.

社会主义公有制经济是我国国民经济的主体。The socialist state-owned economy is the mainstay of our national economy.

哈特派是北美现今存在的最古老的公有制团体之一。The Hutterites are one of the oldest communal groups in North America today.

我国是社会主义土地公有制,建设用地的所有权属于国家所有。China is socialist public ownership of land, construction land owned by the state.

为什么很多成功的工业化村庄坚持集体所有制,这是真的公有制吗?Why those industrialized villages insist on the public ownership?Is it real public?

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近年来,我国非公有制企业劳资冲突时有发生。In recent years, Labor conflicts in non-state owned enterprises in China often appear.

集体所有制经济是公有制经济的重要组成部分。The collectively-owned sector is an important component of the public sector of the economy.

改革和发展公有制必须以强化社会主义民主法制为前提。Socialist legal system is concretion of democracy and internal mechanism of public ownership.

加强非公有制企业党的建设是贯彻党的十六大精神的具体体现,也是新时期基层党建工作的重中之重的任务。Building up Party organizations in non-public sector is a key task for the Party in the New Era.

本文正是在此背景下对我国非公有制企业劳动争议进行研究的。It is under this background that the paper studies the labor disputes in non-public enterprises.

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股份合作制是符合产权演进规律的公有制实现形式之一。Share cooperated System is one form of public ownership in accordance with ownership derivation.

在非公有制企业中,侵害女工劳动权益的现象比较普遍。In non-public-owned enterprises, the aggression upon women workers' working right is more common.

劳动群众集体所有制是具有中国特色公有制的一种实现形式。The work masses collectivity ownership is a implementing form of China featured public ownership?

人民政府控制经济命脉并建立了公有制社会主义经济。The people's government controlled the nation's economy and set up a state-owned socialist economy.

私有化成为世界性潮流的时候,并不意味着公有制的消亡。It does not mean perishability of public ownership even though privatization has been a world trend.

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社会主义的基础是公有制,人民当家作主,共同致富。Some people prosper before others. The basis of socialism is public ownership of means of production.

对银行实行公有制并让政治家微观管理它们也有着明显的弊端。Taking the banks into public ownership, to be micromanaged by politicians, has obvious drawbacks too.

因为商品经济自身没有提供现成的实现公有制特殊本…Because goods economy oneself did not offer off-the-peg implementation state ownership is special this.