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记得用现金付酒水钱。Use cash to pay for the drinks.

您昨晚用过小冰箱的酒水吗?Did you use your mini-bar last night?

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以上菜单酒水另计,加1人另加288元,12人止。Above, excluding drinks menu, plus 1 plus 288, and 12 only.

此次办婚宴,除去酒水共花费13208元。The wedding banquet, remove the drinks do costs 13208 yuan.

淡色酒水能比深色的酒水能被更快地解毒。Light liquors are detoxified at a faster rate than dark liquors.

他们在搜查酒水---南非黑人那时是不允许买酒。It was a liquor raid – black South Africans could not buy liquor.

她把葡萄酒,黑红的酒水举到她干渴的嘴上喝起来。She lifted the grapey, dark red juice to her parched mouth and drank.

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之后在同一个月内他们还在天猫全球酒水节上举杯庆祝。They toasted the Tmall Wine and Spirits Festival held later that month.

土耳其卫生部门官员表示,已经对旅馆的食物酒水抽样检查。Turkish health officials said, have drinks on the hotel's food sampling.

太多摩托车手酒吧用酒水灌满车手们,然后让他们飞飚回家。Too many biker bars load riders up on liquor and send them speeding home.

这间包厢的最低消费是XX,包含酒水在内,除香烟、槟榔外。XX is the bottom lost of this box, include wine , no cigarette, betel nut.

酒水供应商应随货交付统一的酒水随付单。Beverage supplier need to hand in the beverage delivery list together with goods.

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随时检查冷却水塔水位、浮球开关及洒水头是否正常酒水团购。Check out water cooling towers, float switch and sprinkler head is normal or not.

兰蒂普•雷西有一份朝八晚五的工作,同时还在经营着一家名为WineDelight.com的在线酒水商店。Randeep Rekhi has an 8 to 5 job and also runs an online wine store called

那些年我听到过很多做酒水生意的人没完没了的谈论“创新”这个词。I’ve heard a lot of wine trade folk over the years yakking endlessly on about “Innovation!”

制冷时出风口向上,制热时出风口向下酒水团购,调温效率大大提高。Refrigeration, heating up when the outlet when the outlet temperature down, highly efficient.

自带酒水——这个聚会是随便的一次联欢,所有人都要带酒来。Bring your own booze – The party is an informal get-together and everyone will contribute alcohol.

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晚上篝火派对用酒水零食,西式早餐,矿泉水,垃圾袋,急救药品等公共用品。Drink and Snacks for Campfire party, Western Breakfast, Mineral water, garbage bag, first-aid box ext.

对于酒客来说,品脱玻璃杯的手感更好,份量刚好,酒水盛在玻璃杯内的视觉效果也很不错。For the drinker the pint glass feels better it has a nice weight and the drink coats the glass nicely.

自带酒水——这个聚会是随便的一次联欢,所有人都要带酒来。BYOB Bring your own booze – The party is an informal get-together and everyone will contribute alcohol.