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我得把我的网球鞋刷白。I must whiten my tennis shoes.

我必须把我的网球鞋刷白。I must whiten my tennis shoes.

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我必须把我的网球鞋刷白。Gym shoe , sneaker , tennis shoe.

但是我们为客人准备了盒式皮鞋刷。But we do provide compact shoe shiners for our guests.

那话是从一个臭烘烘的旧鞋刷的主人嘴里说出来的。That's rich coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush.

他们喜欢的是卡片、花朵、鞋刷、特殊的书籍或是杂志?Do they like cards, flowers, foot rubs, special books or magazines?

他们喜欢的是卡片、花朵、鞋刷、特殊的书籍或杂志?Do they like cards, flow-ers, foot rubs, special books or magazines?

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我先用鞋刷把鞋上的灰尘刷掉,再用擦鞋布把鞋边的泥土用力地蹭下来。I brush the dust on the shoe with shoe brush first, reoccupy brushes shoe cloth the clay emphatically shoe edge loiter comes down.

沐浴刷,木刷,鞋刷,清洁刷,指甲刷,按摩刷,猪鬃刷,浮石刷,植毛刷,清洗刷,按摩器,按摩梳,刷子,日用刷,沐浴用品。The brush, Bathes brushes, the massage brushes, the shoe brush, washes the hand scrubber, brushes cleanly, the wood brushes, the pig long neck hair brushes.

公司创建于1997年,现有员工206人,专业生产各种规格的木制,竹制的衣刷,浴刷,鞋刷,木按摩器,木鞋拔。The company was founded in 1997 and currently employs 206 people, specializing in the production of a variety of wooden, bamboo's, clothes brush, bath brush, shoe brush, wooden massager, sabot out.