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他为人正派。He is a man of decency.

他为人和蔼而忧郁。He was affable and sad.

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准许为人。Permission to be human.

我说他为人正派且风度翩翩。His decency and his grace?

洞穴不为人居住而存在。A cave is not FOR dwelling.

为人诚实正派,乐观。Honest, upright and optimism.

我敢担保他的为人。I will swear for his integrity.

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她终生为人帮佣。She was in service all her life.

她思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。She's mature, dynamic and honest.

他为人平易近谋幸福,呼儿咳哟。He works for the people's welfare.

没有足够的“准许为人。Not enough permission to be human.

他的朋友们担保说他为人廉正。His friends swore him to integrity.

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他为人正直,大家都尊敬他。All respected him for his integrity.

她称赞他为人正直。She admired his straightforwardness.

她是个为人很好但是相貌平平的女孩。She's a nice but plain-looking girl.

这部作品桂尔最广为人知的一部作品。It is Guare's most widely-known work.

我在为人照看房子呢,去那儿过夜。I'm house-sitting, go there for night.

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他为人正直但缺乏常识。He is honest but devoid of common sense.

许多初为人父母者面临的是真正的问题。Many new parents are facing real problems.

她讨人喜欢的举止掩盖了她的真实为人。Her pleasant manner belied her true character.