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有关方面可以为初次购买房者筹措资金。Finance can be arranged for first-time home buyers.

黄敏归来,西凤筹措人人吃团聚饭。Huang, west chicken raising everyone eat reunion dinner.

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地方政府为建设公路筹措了巨额款项。The local government raised large sums for highway construction.

这迫使许多公司创建者依靠从亲戚那里筹措的资金。That compels many company founders to rely on funds raised from relatives.

但是假定你有一个规划,筹措将要花费四个星期。But suppose you have a program for which mobilization will take four weeks.

他们帮助裴东光和他的同事筹措了教师培训的资金。They helped Mr. Pei and his colleague organize funding for teacher workshops.

队长,新桥医院副院长孙汉军更是四处筹措药品。Captain, vice president of Sun Hanjun Xinqiao Hospital is four-ra ising drugs.

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李侠需要筹措大批药品,却缺乏足够的经费。Li Xia need to raise a large number of drugs, but the lack of adequate funding.

正常情况下,急需资本的公司通常会靠自己来筹措。In normal times, capital- starved companies usually can raise capital on their own.

事实上,每家新公司都在抱怨筹措原始资本的困难性。Virtually every new company complains about the difficulty of raising seed capital.

小额信贷,为那些穷得无法从普通银行筹措资金的人提供援助。Microcredit provides finance to those too poor to receive funds from ordinary banks.

第二,对世卫组织来说,方向是主要靠此类自愿来源筹措资金。Second, the trend is for WHO to be financed predominantly from such voluntary sources.

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中国自唐代起,官府大量用放贷法来筹措财源。Since the Tang Dynasty In China, the government used the loan system to collect revenue.

船舶融资即指航运业中的经济主体融通和筹措船舶投资资金的行为和活动。Shipping financing is the action of the ship-owner who raising money to invest into the ship.

希拉蕊担任海啸救济基金的筹措者,在2005年2月时参访加拿大安大略省的基奇纳。Visited Kitchener Ontario Canada in February 2005 to perform in a Tsunami relief fund raiser.

该镇将举办旧货拍卖慈善募款以筹措经费兴建游民庇护所。The town is hosting a fund-raising rummage sale for charity to build a shelter home for hobos.

黄热病应急储备由疫苗和免疫全球联盟筹措资金,由为控制黄热病提供疫苗国际协调小组进行管理。The yellow fever emergency stockpile is financed by the GAVI Alliance and managed by the YF-ICG.

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SunRun筹措项目资金去购买、安装和维护客户的屋顶太阳能系统。SunRun raises project capital to buy, install, and maintain its customers' rooftop solar systems.

他同他的研究伙伴现在正在筹措资金来进行这项引导性研究。He and his fellow researchers are currently seeking funding to commence this introductory research.

银行到哪儿去筹措数量庞大的资金来补充他们显然已经损失的资本金呢?Where will the banks raise the huge sums needed to replenish the capital they have apparently lost?