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一般情况下,类别较高的录取分数线也高。Usually higher ranked ones need higher scores.

他刚刚过大学的录取分数线。He just passed the university's minimum qualifications.

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设定一个邮件被判定为垃圾邮件的分数线。Set the score required before a mail is considered spam.

大连东软信息学院的录取分数线是多少啊?Dalian east soft information academy admission line is many?

2009年苏州实验中学录取分数线多少?Suzhou laboratory middle school in 2009 admission line number?

洛阳铁路信息工程学校分数线多少?Information Engineering School in Luoyang Railway score how much?

总的来说,研究生分数线要求托福分数至少575分。In general, the graduate division requires a TOEFL score of at least 575.

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中国地质大学美术高考录取分数线是多少?China University of Geosciences art college admission scores are how much?

襄樊一中三中2009年的录取分数线是多少?Are one three Xiang Fan City middle middle admission lines in 2009 numbers?

探讨了标准参照测验合格分数线的划分方法。Finally, the article discusses how to set the qualified score in criteria-reference test.

具体分数线,考生可登录中国研究生招生信息网查询。Specific scores, candidates can log China Graduate Enrollment Information Network enquiries.

名校和一般学校之间的差距已经比投档分数线的差距更加离谱。Gaps between rich and poor have grown even more dramatically than gaps in entering test scores.

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2009年郑州市中招六中估计分数线多少???????Court the number estimating the fractional line among six in Zheng Zhou City in 2009? ? ? ? ? ? ?

博朗也开始对美国招聘,但只设置了IQ125的分数线。Bleum has started hiring a U.S. workforce but sets an IQ score of just 125 as a screening threshold.

去年750分的高考刘仅考出了432分的成绩,这连进入二类大学的分数线都没有达到。He scored 432 points out of a possible 750, too low to be admitted even to a second-tier institution.

2009年庆阳一中的录取分数线和扩招线分别是多少啊?How many is that Qing Yang county admission line in one parts from to expanding the move line for in 2009?

不过,你若是外省人,录取分数线是应当按你所在的地区确定的。However, if you mainlanders , and admission is where you should be in accordance with the identified areas.

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相反,维冈在不可思议地跨过40分数线后早早失去了前进的动力。In stark contrast, Wigan's momentum has completely stalled ever since they passed the magical 40-point mark.

2009年芜湖市第十二中学中考择校录取分数线是多少?How many is that twelfth middle school of Wu Hu City mid-term exams choose the school admission line in 2009?

对英语成绩突出者,可适当放宽录取分数线要求。For those whose English is prominent, BNUZ will relax restrictions on the admission line requirements accordingly.