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伊斯兰教1153年传入。Islam was introduced in 1153.

没有对传入隐藏的短信铃声。No ringtone on incoming hidden SMS.

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这个消息上个月才传入她耳中。The news only reached her last month.

一阵清脆的响声,传入我的耳畔。A clear sound, spreads to my ear bank.

他那粗重嘶哑的嗓音传入了我的耳中。His gruff hoarse voice struck my ears.

标准的输出正如是当做容易的重新传入。Standard output is just as easy to redirect.

事实上,可以将它们作为用户输入传入。In fact, they could be passed in as user input.

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中国茶是三千多年前传入西方国家的。Chinese tea to the western three thousand years.

这种发式是从国外传入的。This style of hair-do is brought in from abroad.

烟草shi从美洲传入欧洲白勺。Tobacco was introduced into Europe from America.

而纹理则把水和营养传入叶子中。Veins carry water and nutrients within the leaf.

西方观念逐渐传入东方。Western ideas penetrate slowly through the East.

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传入一个动作,函数,方法或协程。Pass in an action, function, method or coroutine.

风靡全球,刚刚传入国内,现在各大城市正在盛行。Bodacious , just to domestic cities is popular now.

一个男声传入了瑶瑶和花子琪的耳朵里。A male voice incoming Yuri Huang and Hanako her ears.

杏仁茶是由宫廷传入民间的一种风味小吃。Almond tea was introduced by the civil court of a snack.

传入的第一个参数是要序列化的值。The first parameter passed in is the value to serialize.

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外国文学和绘画作品慢慢传入。Foreign literature and painting were slowly filtering in.

这时将启动客户机,并等待传入消息。This will start the client waiting for incoming messages.

在这个例子里,我们传入这样的一个字面函数。In this case, we passed in the following function literal.