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用喇叭喊通骷髅中队长。Get Skull Leader on the horn.

骷髅岛,东南东偏东。Skeleton Island E. S. E. and by E.

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骷髅坪林生存的活人。Skeleton lawn survival live person.

有一些几乎已经成了骷髅。Some were little more than skeletons.

那老人瘦成骷髅般。The old man was reduced to a skeleton.

一具骷髅挂在我眼前。A skeleton was dangling before my eyes.

骷髅中队长,那里发生了什么?Skull Leader, what's going on out there?

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骷髅岛,东南东偏东。Skeleton Island East-South-East and by East.

亡灵巫师可以召唤远程骷髅了。Necromancers can raise ranged Skeletal Mages.

没问题,骷髅中队长。我将照顾他们。No problem, Skull Leader. I'll take care of them.

骷髅中队长呼叫“伊卡洛斯”号。发生了什么,舰长?Skull Leader to Icarus. What's going on, Captain?

鲁茨突然发觉自己面对面地站在一个骷髅前。Suddenly Ruz came face to face with a human skull!

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瓶子上有骷髅和交叉的股骨图形。The bottle had a skull and crossbones symbol on it.

在黑魆魆的门洞里仿佛出现了一个悬在半空的骷髅。A skull appeared suspended in the gloom of the doorway.

我的电脑屏幕上有幅骷髅图。My computer's got a skull and crossbones on the screen.

画中的三幅图表现的是,”桌子上的骷髅,鲨鱼颚和蜥蜴“。Shown here are Skull, Shark's Jaw and Iguana on a Table

活在当下,随后便死。骷髅耳钉,一对。Live now. Die later skull earring studs. Sold as a pair.

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因此你们将在飞行服上佩戴上一个小骷髅。So you'll get to wear a little skull on your flight suit.

他是骷髅会的成员之一,听说过吗He was a member of Skull and Bones-- have you heard of that?

如果您喜欢迷宫游戏,这款骷髅王国是为你准备的。If you love Labyrinth games, then Kingdom Skulls is for you.