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我们需要走行人穿越道。We need a crosswalk.

人生如逆旅,我亦是行人。What is a great life?

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一定要使用行人穿越道。Always use the crosswalk.

行人倒数计时显示器?。Count-down pedestrian signal?

狗朝着行人吠叫。The dog barked at the jogger.

路上的行人面如鲜花。Also the faces of people going by.

他枯瘦的手把行人抓住。He holds him with his skinny hand.

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麦当老附近的行人。The pedestrian near the Macdonolds.

我们只是夜行人。We are merely walkers in the night.

让道给人行横道的行人。Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.

自行车行人须顺着车流骑行。Bicyclists should ride with traffic.

禁止行人在此路通行。No pedestrians allowed on this road.

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保护草坪免于行人践踏?Protecting the lawn from passers-by?

街上行人稀少。There were few people in the street.

下车时,请注意往来行人。Watch out for the people passing by.

行人们在人行道上熙熙攘攘走去。Pedestrians press along the pavements.

这条路上行人车辆太多了。There is too much traffic on the road.

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恳求过往行人献出一声叹息。Implores the passing tribute of a sigh.

路上行人欲断魂。Pedestrians in deep sorrow on the road.

在这些路上行人和车辆很少。There is little traffic on these roads.