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决议和条例。Resolutions and Ordinances.

决议已被耽搁了。The decision has bottlenecked.

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我们赞同这项决议。We subscribe to the resolution.

起草另一个联合国八大决议?Draft another 8 U. N. Resolutions?

联合国通过决议在利比亚设立禁飞区。UN SC okays no-fly zone over Libya.

你有什么新的一年的决议?What are your new year resolutions?

最后决议还是重新通过了。The resolution was repassed at last.

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这样也能简化旅行决议。It also simplifies enroute decisions.

我们认为该决议非常有意义。We find the resolution very meaningful.

我每天都想着这条决议。I think about that resolution every day.

联合国新出台强硬制裁朝鲜决议。UN imposes tough new sanctions on NKorea.

我来了。我看到了。我决议叫外卖。I came. I saw. I decided to order take out.

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我们通过的1441号决议给了伊拉克最后一次机会。We wrote 1441 to give Iraq one last chance.

省政协委员举手表决,通过多项决议。Resolutions pass through on a show of hands.

决议博得满场异口同声的欢呼。The resolution was acclaimed with one voice.

大家决议去梦岛露营。Everybody resolution to dream island camping.

人生就是你一系列决议的总合。Life is the cumulative sum of your decisions.

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我决议确定毫不遮掩地将那件事全讲进去。Iwoulve decided to come clean on the incident.

关于联合国安理会通过第1617号决议Adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1617

工会以40票对18票通过决议举行罢工。The union resolved to strike by 40 votes to 18.