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因明是世界三大逻辑起源之一。Hetuvidya is one of the three original systems of logic in the world.

衙里,因明、清时有太湖营游击衙署设在此而得名。Yali , the Ming and Qing at a guerrilla camp in Taihu Lake in this Yashu named.

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其中关于因明对中国哲学的影响,研究成果颇丰富。Research on the influence of hetuvidya on Chinese philosophy has proved to be extensive.

因明威早已答应范飞的要求,所以突然说增聘一人名额。Hetuvidya already promised Fan Fei requirements, so suddenly say hiring a quota of people.

陈那因明和法称因明是印度佛教逻辑的两个高峰。In fact, Dignaga and Dharmakirti are two summits in the development of Buddhist logic as well as Indian logic.

因明是逻辑学的重要分支,但关于因明的逻辑性质直至今日,争议颇多。Most essays discuss the logical properties of hetuvidya from the angle of Buddhism or polemics but neglect its own logic.

从研究范围、方法及社会功能方面,阐述了因明研究中存在的问题。According to the research scope, methodology and social function, the paper elaborates on the problems about Hetuvidya research.

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与形式逻辑一样藏传因明也有自己的“关系”概念和“关系”范畴。As like as the western logic, especially like the Aristotles logic, the Tibetan logic also has its concept and category of relationship.

通过与西方逻辑发展状况的对照,指出了因明研究中存在问题的根源和解决方法。Based on the study of the development of western logics the paper points out the source of the problems concerning Hetuvidya research and suggests solutions for that.

文章针对因明研究中,对喻在新因明中的作用、地位的不同看法,从五个方面分析了喻在新因明中的作用。In this paper, it is analyzed that the function of Yu in Yin-Ming from five facets, in light of different opinions about Yu' s function and status in study of New Yin-Ming.

在保证论证有效性上,因明与名辩学具有共性,这是它们同属于思维工具学科的前提。The common aim of the Yinming and the Nominalistic doctrine is to guarantee the validity of the argument, which is the premise that they belong to the thinking tools subject.

藏传因明在探讨概念及概念间关系问题的同时,还探讨了一种事实性的事物关系,即因果关系和不能共存关系。When discussing the relationships of the Tibetan logics, and also discussing some relative existence relationships, these are causal relationship and nonexistent relationship.

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文章试图借鉴逻辑学的二分法,用形式和非形式谬误来重新划分因明的三十三过,以探索认识因明的新思路。This paper tries to give a new division for Fallacy of Yin-ming according to dichotomy in Logic. we hope this new method can help us find a new way to understand and study Yin-ming.

造成这种状况最主要的原因就是因明的实用价值没有挖掘出来,给人们形成一种因明无用的印象。Already extinguished in India, hetuvidya was once on the verge of vanishing in China. The main reason is that its practical value was not revealed and thus it seemed to be meaningless.

玄奘是汉传因明开创者,他又是当时印度因明的最高成就的代表者,但是他没有自己的因明著作。Huen Thsang, a pioneer of Chinese derived Hetu-vidya, was also the representative of the great achievement of indian Hetu-vidya at that time, yet he didn't write his own work on Hetu-vidya.

因明论式中的喻在印度古因明五支论式和陈那的新因明三支论式中分别起着不同的论证作用。"Yu" in the Yingming reasoning was playing separately the different demonstration role in the five branches of Indian ancient Yingming reasoning and three branches of Chen Na's new Yingming reasoning.