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那么和声被毁了。Now the harmony has been destroyed.

和声可以通过耳朵感知到。Harmony can be sensed through the ears.

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他还唱歌曲的和声。He's also singing harmonies on the song.

你把它们当做和声或弦外音。You know them as harmonics or overtones.

虽然如此你可以毁掉和声。But for all that you can destroy harmony.

他们的不和谐和声演奏也令人惊叹。Their dissonant harmonies were amazing, too.

你看不见和声,它是无形的。You don't see harmony. Harmony is invisible.

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来自吐哈油田,爱好长笛演奏和声乐。From tuha oil field , like flute and vocality.

协调的和声易记而难忘。The harmonized chorus is catchy and memorable.

问题是和声这个例子说明这种不对。The trouble is harmony shows that that's not so.

这是个和声,有一点简单的节奏This is a harmony with a very simple rhythm here.

和声对于竖琴就像精神对于身体。Harmony is to the harp as the mind is to the body.

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我是成员赵五,是乐队的和声部。I is a member of Zhao Wu, is the band's and voice.

好像精神,就是身体的和声一样。It's as though the mind is like harmony of the body.

辉煌的演出,完美的和声中,人群开始疯狂!Brilliant show, perfect harmonies, the crowd went wild!

我们要怎么听和声?,我们应该重点听什么?How do we hear harmony?What are we listening for again?

所以说这里的和声变化率是怎样的?So what's happened to the rate of harmonic change here?

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你们能想出和声运作的视觉影像吗?Can you come up with a visual image of how harmony works?

如果有和声存在,两个声音必须有相同的速度。If there is concord, both notes must have the same speed.

是基本的和声,不过这只是一个简单的节奏We have basically harmony but it has a simple rhythm to it.