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什么诱发哮喘病发作?What triggers an asthma attack?

第二,恐惧诱发我们采取行动。Next, fear motivates us to action.

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这也许是一种不会诱发乳腺癌的避孕药。It might be a breast-cancer-free pill.

你可以这个声音诱发出体。You can use this sound to induce OBEs.

排尿或咳嗽也可诱发疼痛。Micturition or cough also can cause ache.

药物成瘾和赌博诱发犯罪。Drug addiction and gambling induce crimes.

用角叉菜胶诱发小鼠体内血栓形成。Thrombosis was induced in mice by carrageenan.

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没有发现形变诱发马氏体相。No deformation martensite phase was discovered.

我们能预防传染诱发的精神分裂症吗?Can Infection-Related Schizophrenia be Prevented?

网络已经成为诱发青少年犯罪的温床。The network has become a hotbed of juvenile crime.

吃巧克力不会诱发粉刺更不会加重粉刺。Eating chocolate neither causes nor aggravates acne.

诱发抗性具有非特异性和广谱性。Induced resistance had wide ranging and no specific.

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多数有自发或环境诱发的自动症。Most are self-induced automatism or the environment.

气机郁滞是诱发疾病的关键。Stagnation of qi is crucial for recovery of disease.

律的饮食习惯,经常诱发肠胃病。Irregular eating habits often lead to bowel disorders.

去极化刺激仅可诱发出一外向电流。Membrane depolarization could revoke an outward current.

毒品是诱发犯罪的一个重要原因,年轻人厌世无聊是另一个原因。Well, drugs are a major cause of crime, as is young boredom.

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刺激咽喉后面的软腭会诱发呕吐反射。Your gag reflex is a soft palate in the back of your throat.

四是诱发青少年犯罪问题。Fourth, it is induced by the problem of juvenile delinquency.

它能诱发性的诱惑的条件,有点儿像给脑袋服用的伟哥。It induces the first condition, sort of a Viagra for the mind.