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蓄电池正在充电。The storage battery is bng charged.

他答应给我车上的蓄电池充电。He promised to charge up my car battery.

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电动车用蓄电池的路在何方?。Way Out of Battery for Electrical Vehicle?

电动汽车昂贵的罪魁是蓄电池。What makes an EV expensive is the battery.

我的汽车里的蓄电池今天晚上用完了。The battery in my car ran down this evening.

这种蓄电池很容易充电。This kind of storage battery charges easily.

报房蓄电池组电解液比重小于1.285。Radio batteries specific gravity below 1.285.

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我只给我的孩子锈钉子和蓄电池酸液。I'd give my kids rusty nails and battery acid.

我们也有称为蓄电池的东西。And we also have what is called an accumulator.

蓄电池在55秒之内会变空。The accumulator is empty in fifty five seconds.

废蓄电池不再放电。The weakened battery was no longer discharging.

防止蓄电池与太阳能电池反接功能。To prevent reverse battery and solar cell function.

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断开蓄电池充电器蓄电池滴流充电。Disconnect battery charger battery trickle charging.

用鳄鱼嘴夹把电缆接到蓄电池上。Use the crocodile clips to attach the cables to the battery.

太阳能电池板、蓄电池反接或短路保护。Protection for controller if reverse connection of solar panel.

蓄电池上每个单电池都有正、负极柱。On each single-cell batteries have positive and negative columns.

在这个房间里没有蓄电池,只有电流转换器。There are no accumulators in this room, just current transducers.

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一种方矩形管式铅酸蓄电池。The utility model relates to a rectangular tube lead-acid accumulator.

这种卡车靠铅酸蓄电池运行,时速25英里,可行驶约40至60英里。Lead-acid batteries ran the vehicle at 25 mph for about 40 to 60 miles.

还具有蓄电池过充、过放电保护功能。The controller also has a battery overcharge, over-discharge protection.